Terraria Community Forums

Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Inb4 Barry Kripke.

"Wood mowning peopwe of TCF, I hawe awwived."
The Ice Cube
The Ice Cube
I still don't understand what accent is this. Is this a Chinese accent?
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Most likely some sort of lisp.
The Ice Cube
The Ice Cube
Googled it, he has Rhotacism.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Oh. Makes me feel bad for laughing at the guy.

I mean, laughing WITH the guy. Hehehe... Hehe... Heh... *Runs.*
I'm thinking of raj.
He needs to join.
And also Howard to make fun of him.
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