Terraria Community Forums

Jetstreme ∞
Jetstreme ∞
It was pretty crazy when Jesus made wine!

I'll leave now
He didn't even, like, use grapes 'n :red:. He just skipped all of that.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Jesus: I shall now turn all water into wine.
Disciples: *Stare.*
Jesus: ... *Points in a random direction.* Look, god in a pogo stick!
Disciples: *Turn to stare in that direction.*
Jesus: *Kicks cart full of jars of water away, pulls cart full of jars of wine out of its hideout behind a bush.* There, a miracle!
Disciples: OOOOOOOH!

... And that's how it happened.

When did you have this revelation? This brings a new, intense twist to that story. You must be a prophet from the past or something. 0_0
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