Terraria Community Forums

Holy hell.

I'm no psychologist, but you, compadre, must be some kind of masochist! ;)
LOL. No. XD I find WoW relaxing for just like exploring the maps :p And league is relaxing since I play support and I got DJ Sona~ so I can tune out everyone and listen to my jams
Fair play, fair play.

I mean, okay - WoW I can sympathise with, unless you planned on joining a 'relaxing' dungeon raid! After all, I used to enjoy just gliding around maps in EverQuest II in my younger days... haha.

League? Maybe not so much. When I did play it, it was basically only Dominion where people were mostly chill.
I play with my friends.. so maybe that is why its relaxing to me? XD We just usually get in a group call and talk about the day and chit chat while we play league. And like I said I am support so I just float around on sona giving people heals. And WoW yeah I raid but when I raid there is no relaxing... >.<
Aha, I see.

I was no fan of League. I did play it at the request of some friends old and new in my time, but... even amongst good friends, someone or another always ended up getting P.Oed by the end.

Mercifully, I was decent despite not knowing any of the mechanics, so it usually wasn't me to blame. But I just wanted to have a little fun, and even in a friendly game people take it bare seriously!
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