Terraria Community Forums

Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
If a girl hits you, get some other girl to hit her.

Otherwise, you're a chauvinistic pig.

... Well, unless you don't mind what braindead feminist zealots say.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Can't we all just make some peace and love instead?


Who am I kidding. %-_-
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
You can also make war and love.
wondering if freenight knows the context.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Pieces and love.
That is the truth.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Context isn't always relevant.


Well, most of the time, it is. But there's times where context won't make it look any better, and may actually make it look worse.
Didn't click the links. Didn't know what the hell was going on. Winged it anyway. :dryadcool:
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
YOLO: Mostly used in games where you respawn.

What is this I don't even
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Razor Knight: The uncomprehender of the most easy tactic in da wurld.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
"If it's easy to put into practice, it's not a good strategy." - Some wise Chinese strategist dude (probably Kung Fu Tzu aka Confucius, though Sun Tzu/Sun Wu may also be to blame.)
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
But it is a good strategy.
If your target thinks you are making a cunning plan, then they would never expect you racing across the battlefield to belt em in the face.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Most of the time, when someone uses YOLO, the enemy doesn't need to wait to be belted in the face - it will be the kind of guy who lacks the aim to do range, and lacks the speed and dodging needed to get to melee range before being mowed down by ranged weaponry.
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
Although to be fair, since this is about games: If the game you're playing turns "YOLO" into a viable tactic at all difficulty settings, you should probably look for a better game.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Only when they're expecting it.
When they're expecting range, trap em.
When they're expecting melee, shoot em.
Dirty fighting is the best fighting, regardless if you're solo or with others
Kyouko Tsukino
Kyouko Tsukino
YOLO isn't dirty fighting, though, just some idiot making a beeline into enemies and expecting karma to not shoot them in the balls for it.

I agree on "dirty" fighting, in a no rules scenario.

Master: "We are just training. Why didn't you wait for me to be ready?"
Student: "My enemy won't wait for me to be ready in a real fight."
Master: "Good."
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Being a berserker doesn't necessarily mean idiocy.
combined with awareness of who to take out first and dodging the nastiest projectiles they can be a particularly notable force on the battlefield...
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