Terraria Community Forums

But when you get anything over 40, it's like "Dang, I don't want to search through all that."
Comment on statuses. Helps you get 'lerts quick.
Scrubow Gamer
Scrubow Gamer
I don't like having too many alerts. I like having around 20, anymore than that then I am just like "Su mooch tiext, tie luzy tuu riede."
Erienna Nakagai
Erienna Nakagai
I think I've figured out the numbers for how alerts are shown: The Alert Box I'm pretty sure can only show 20, then there's 30 for each page of Recent Alerts.
Scrubow Gamer
Scrubow Gamer
Yay this morning i woke up with 14 alerts... but 10 of them were from @Dameon Love-Knight 's status.
That's a bad thing? You must never be a part of the day I actually post a serious topic that gets many a comment, guarantee you'll regret it.
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