Terraria Community Forums

That was random

Well as you may know I have to do it but I don't know when I'll do it
It would be better to do it as early as possible in case something happen
Well you know that I'm just a random Terrarian after all.
While I don't know much about Islam, I know that Allah is all forgiving and merciful so in his eyes it's the intent that counts. Thus if you died in a car accident tomorrow (let's hope not, though), I'm sure he wouldn't hold it against you.
Yeah exactly, because when Allah set a fate for you that you can't change Allah would never hold it against you

Also actually anyone can do pilgrimage instead of you after you die, and it will be counted that you did it
I've also heard that if you spend the money that was supposed to fund your pilgrimage on charity, it counts as well.
Hmm I don't think so..
You saved up that money to do pilgrimage, changing your mind and using it for charity shouldn't make it count as you did the pilgrimage. Also if someone can't fund doing pilgrimage, they don't have to do it, you're only obligated to do pilgrimage if you can and if it won't harm you.
Well,it says so on the Hungarian Wikipedia: "A haddzs megváltható helyettes küldésével is, és a zarándoklatra félretett pénzt jótékony célra is fordíthatják." Meaning "Hajj can be exchanged with doing an alternate mission, and the money saved up for it can be donated to charity."
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