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  1. Starbomb

    CTRL V
  2. Starbomb

    Serious What is your greatest flaw?

    Ah, I was only making a joke since it's a common interview question.
  3. Starbomb

    Serious What is your greatest flaw?

    This sounds like an interview.
  4. Starbomb

    Say the first word that comes to mind

  5. Starbomb


  6. Starbomb

    Favorite videogames! (besides Terraria)

    I do love Nintendo game, but sadly...
  7. Starbomb

    The Relation Game

  8. Starbomb

    What is a painfully easy word to spell that you misspell?

    Beatiful. *Beautiful...
  9. Starbomb

    Weapons & Equip Punches!

    I think rayman style punches would be pretty cool.
  10. Starbomb

    Underrated and Overrated Games

    Overrated- Minecraft after about an hour. Underrated- A slew of indie games honestly. Oh, and A few recent Nintendo titles at least according to the gaming community.
  11. Starbomb

    What's your guilty pleasure?

    Depends where you live- good luck if you live on the east coast or in the bible belt. Places like California though are full of anime fans.
  12. Starbomb

    Weapons & Equip Fedora

    The life of mods truly strive within the heart of PC gaming. *tips fedora*
  13. Starbomb

    Casual Myers Briggs Personality Test

    INFJ, I guess it's consistent with the personality tests I've taken in the past.
  14. Starbomb

    How tall are you?

    I'm 5'10"
  15. Starbomb

    The video was the inspiration haha

    The video was the inspiration haha
  16. Starbomb

    CTRL V

  17. Starbomb

    You'd love the Xbox marketplace.

    You'd love the Xbox marketplace.
  18. Starbomb

    Heyyyyyyyyy, that's exactly where I got my name from and the avatar idea. That and I was...

    Heyyyyyyyyy, that's exactly where I got my name from and the avatar idea. That and I was replaying the Metroid series.
  19. Starbomb

    MH[FU] anyone?

    MHF2 was my first Monster Hunter. Played the hell out of it with my 3 friends, we were an awesome team. Then highschool hit and broke us up. :merchantcry:
  20. Starbomb

    What is the dumbest thing you have ever heard someone say?

    "30FPS is cinematic"
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