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    tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

    do you know what namespace i need to use since it says that "downedBoss" does not exist in the current context. The namespaces im currently using are Terraria, Terraria.ID and Terraria.Modloader.
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    tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

    How would i go about checking whether a boss or event has been defeated in order to make something happen in an "if" statement? For example, what should i type if i want to make an npc sell an item once the eater or worlds has been defeated.
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    tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

    Rocket 1: using Terraria; using Terraria.ModLoader; using Terraria.ID; namespace EndlessAmmo.Items.Ammo.Rockets.Rocket1 { class EndlessRocket1Rack : ModItem { public override void SetStaticDefaults() { DisplayName.SetDefault("Endless Rocket I Rack")...
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    tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

    I'm making 4 different ammo items which shoot the rocket 1, rocket 2, rocket 3, and rocket 4 projectiles. Within the "SetDefaults()" method of each i am using the ProjectileID's: 134 (rocket 1), 137 (Rocket 2), 140 (Rocket 3) and 143 (Rocket 4). For some reason whenever i shoot these...
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    tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

    thanks a tonne for the help, i appreciate it a lot!
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    tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

    if i use "item.shoot = ProjectileID.FlamingArrow;" within the "SetDefaults()" method of my ammo item, it shoots out a flaming arrow that does damage to me and doesnt damage enemies. I'm not sure whether its the actual arrow that just isnt friendly or there is something wrong that is causing the...
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    tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

    does anyone know how to make an ammo item shoot a friendly vanilla projectile? To be specific, i want to make an ammo item that will shoot a flaming arrow, however there is no friendly version of it like there is for the wooden arrow and i dont want to make an entire new projectile that...
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    tModLoader How do you get higher tier reforge modifiers on modded weapons? (Legendary, Unreal, etc.)

    I made a modded gun recently and i was reforging it when i realised that i could only get the generic, lower tier modifiers such as "Zealous", "Deadly" and "Demonic", while i'm unable to get the higher tier ones such as unreal which add unique qualities such as "+ velocity". In my...
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