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  1. Z

    Chest bug

    Not sure if this is new to or introduced as part of it. But whenever I right click the top of a chest to open it, it act like I am right clicking 2x. It only happens on the upper parts of a chest. Happens with Smart cursor on/off. Even happens with smart cursor when you are highlighted...
  2. Z

    Mimic spawning Hardmode ores?

    I was sitting in a farm trying to get mimic items using the classic pyramid method of one flat area with a pyramid and lava in the middle to farm hardmode items. I was in the drunk world seed, and the first mimic spawned and killed made hardmode ore message pop to bless the world with cobalt...
  3. Z

    Working as Designed Tavernkeep happiness modifier

    My comment math is math because a program that you insert a value and ask it to round, should round correctly. The only time it doesn't is when it is specifically programmed not to. I literally use debuggers for a living and the round function works every single time you use it. So its not...
  4. Z

    Working as Designed Tavernkeep happiness modifier

    Use Time has breakpoints for it to be effective. You can see this in pickaxe speed with how many frames it takes to break a block. I literally tested the math this morning to verify it works like math is supposed to. I had a necro armor on(15% damage increase) had a minishark with demonic(17%...
  5. Z

    Working as Designed Tavernkeep happiness modifier

    I don't think you understand how rounding works at all. 21% x 5 would mean it would give it a value of 4 as 21% of 5 is 3.95 which would round it to 4. Anything before .49 would round down and anything .5 or higher would round up, that's just how rounding works. I have never seen terraria...
  6. Z

    Working as Designed Tavernkeep happiness modifier

    I think you could easily round it to whole medal values, so that shouldn't be an issue. And they changed every other NPC which several are references to other media/games as well. Why is this one exempt?
  7. Z

    Working as Designed Tavernkeep happiness modifier

    The tavernkeep doesn't appear to apply the happiness modifier for discounts to old one army weapons. Is it intended that you get no discount/surcharge on these weapons when every other item that is sold does? I tried on two worlds one where the tavernkeep has a 15% discount and one where he...
  8. Z

    Statue Bug/Feature?

    I went to go switch out my statues for my lava farm and noticed you can no longer place statues in small pools of lava like you used to be able to. I reviewed the changelog and didn't see any mention of it. Is this a new feature or unintended bug? Also there appears to be an issue when mining...
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