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  1. ScoutM1

    Help with projectile ai

    How do i make my projectile swing near the sword, like animation but with projectile, instead of shooting? im trying to make smth similar like murasama from calamity mod, but how?
  2. ScoutM1

    im trying to make custom wall and need a template

    I already checked example mod, but honestly i can't normally and don't really understand which square is for which place/style responsible. Like this one with tile texture for solid block, i can normally understand and see what should i draw there: (If there is smth like this i would be very...
  3. ScoutM1

    im trying to make custom wall and need a template

    Does wall texture(for tile) uses the same texture tamplate as a block or there is another template for wall texture? If somebody could explain or show the template for the wall texture i would be very thankful)
  4. ScoutM1

    help, im trying to make my own crafting station, and got this error.

    Cannot imlicitly convert type `int[]´ to ´int´: here is the code: If somebody can help, i will be very thankful) public override void SetStaticDefaults() { Main.tileFrameImportant[Type] = true; Main.tileNoAttach[Type] = true; Main.tileLavaDeath[Type] = true...
  5. ScoutM1

    Is there any placeStyles list?

    If somebody have smth like this, i will be very thankful)
  6. ScoutM1

    I'm new to modding and need some help

    Thanks, that helps a lot)
  7. ScoutM1

    I'm new to modding and need some help

    I making armir and want that helmet gives crit chance for melee but i got this error and dnt understand what i doing wrong: Player' does not contain a definition for 'meleeCrit and no accessible extension method 'meleeCrit accepting a first argument of type 'Player' could be found (are you...
  8. ScoutM1

    tModLoader Hello, I'm trying to do some mod staff for terraria and need help

    Btw here is this part of code: public override bool? UseItem(Player player) { if (player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer) { Rectangle textPos = new Rectangle((int)player.position.X, (int)player.position.Y - 20, player.width...
  9. ScoutM1

    tModLoader Hello, I'm trying to do some mod staff for terraria and need help

    Yes yes yes, thank you. I spend like week to figure it out, because i don't really know c#.
  10. ScoutM1

    tModLoader Hello, I'm trying to do some mod staff for terraria and need help

    I haven't seen anything about it, but im trying to do some similar stuff like ako sugar from sekiro, I've done sugar and buff, but how do i make custom text/message(like red sign when you use sugar in sekiro) appear above players head(not in the chat) when item is used. If somebody could help i...
  11. ScoutM1

    Hi everyone

    Hello everyone, I'm Yaro and i love terraria and some others game, right now I'm trying to learn modding so i could do fun things, nice to meet y'all 🙂
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