Map-Base All Items map Ztorage_Zystem!

just a quick update ; this project _is_NOT_ dead, its just that RL is, well, being RL lol. i want to assure everyone that no one wants this finished and released more then i do lol.
back at it for now, more as a break from RL then whatever. end is in sight lol. just found out the football isnt stackable, weird. (edit; why is it "consumable"?) its amungst the stackable items, because there is no way i am going to re-whatever it into an earlier map lol.

also uploaded a very basic golf course designed to easily give a lot of golf points;

edit2; looks like i missed "Music Box (Journey's End)" with the nonstackable items, so it wll have to go, perhaps fittingly, at the end.
edit3; ah, no wonder why, it was added in "Desktop" and is "unobtainable without the use of inventory editors, mods, or cheats" so that explains that.
edit4; item 5013 is the "ZZZ" over a sleeping character.
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Hello! I was just curious about something

So, I understand breaking the different worlds into different parts, but what are the 1-4 worlds that are broken into parts for? Is it combining the other worlds? I couldn't find any information about it
those contain only the items added in update through and are broken up because there was a lot of them. i decided to keep the layout format i was using, so that turned out to need a fifth part. the fifth part also contains copies of the non-stacking items that are together in the first part.

as the chest limit is raised, once 1.4.1 come out, i may or may not redo all the 1.4 items into one big world, but i wonder if that would make things harder to find. then again i might redo the whole thing into two meta worlds, in item id order, haven't made up my mind yet. open to suggestions!
those contain only the items added in update through and are broken up because there was a lot of them. i decided to keep the layout format i was using, so that turned out to need a fifth part. the fifth part also contains copies of the non-stacking items that are together in the first part.

as the chest limit is raised, once 1.4.1 come out, i may or may not redo all the 1.4 items into one big world, but i wonder if that would make things harder to find. then again i might redo the whole thing into two meta worlds, in item id order, haven't made up my mind yet. open to suggestions!

Oh! that'd be awesome! so personally I like how Builder's workshop did it by arranging them into categories like you have now and clearly labeling them with signs along with the examples. I will say that I appreciate your index for finding where everything is (though honestly I was confused about what the files were at first since i thought the zip was an alternate download, maybe you could include it as a readme in the worlds zip file? D: ). Either way you've done a great job! keep up the good work
thanks for the "love" and kind words! its surprisingly encouraging! and its also surprisingly encouraging that you appreciate the index file, most people don't even look at it lol. the reason why i don't include the index in the world zip is that curseforge no longer allows text files in the uploads, otherwise i certainly would. (lol just realized i haven't updated the thread title, i'll do that in a minute.)

since you have requested it, i believe i will do an all items single map, but it wont have the excessive amounts of consumables and so forth simple because of the max chest limits (wish they would up it again to 10,000 or even more lol.) however, i think i will wait until 1.4.1 is released, and it will take a while anyway. to any and all; any specific requests as to its layout? would alphabetical be okay? any requests of things to _not_ do? really, i'm open to constructive suggestions!

edit; apparently i have to "report" the op with a note to a mod about wanting it changed. odd, but i guess it does add to the "stability" of re-finding stuff i guess.
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found out the character with items researched doesnt have the same item set as the rest; ill fix that, probably change all the characters a little bit, then repost. the world files will be identical, its just one or more characters that will be changed.
edit; fixed that character, and decided to do another generation, so gave the resulting zip a new number. i expect the 1.4.1 release to allow for the last generation of these characters.
edit2; the update has been approved, so its downloadable now. realized you can turn off comments on the project page, dont know how i over looked that before lol, so now the project page can now longer be commented on.
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as the forum auto merges double posts, i try to use edits to keep info together. can any one confirm or refute if those edits do or do not cause a watched tread alert?

edit; wow, really, no one?
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got the updated maps submitted. RL will be a bit hectic for the next week or so, so sometime after that i will update the custom characters, and after that i will make two all-in-one worlds (classic and journey).

edit; just found out the bestiary is no longer complete, standing at 99.62%, with the entries of the princess and torch god not showing. so i will update that when i update the characters.
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i have started to create all-in-singular-one-map maps, one for journey, one for normal. it will be one chest for and of each item, and they will be in english alphabetical order, top to bottom, then left to right. for people looking for just a few things and not planning major projects, then this should be preferable. the large scale maps will also stay available. ive fixed some of the custom character files (some were named for journey even though they were not), and done "finals" of them. for personal reasons i will most likely add all of them into a single collection, probably as a separate dl from the maps. will update the bestiary to 100% for all maps before posting as well. still open to requests!

edit; some of my "math" is just not lining up, so one i publish everything i would like some help verifying everything. basically, let me know if something just is _not_ there (as opposed to asking where it is lol) or if a researchable item just is _not_ in the menu of the characters with "all" items researched. note that some items are not reserchable, even if they are attainable, standard health hearts for example.
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happy spooks-giving all!!

seems ive overlooked the now obtainable "slice of cake" activatable furniture item, its going to get added to the end of "furniture" , because theres no way im going to reorganize an entire world for one item lol

edit; Frozen Zombie Banner internally is ZombieEskimoBanner , that explains why i had trouble finding it, so i'll list it as its "external"/display name. for future reference, i'll try to list everything by its display name, but no guarantee i'll catch them all.
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uggh, just found out that the maps as posted are missing _eight_ wall types. being walls, they will take up large sections, as they are something that can be used up very quickly. i am going to fix them up, maybe do a quick update. the all-in-ones are coming as soon as they are ready, but i am going to fix those first.

edit; not eight, but _ten_ *smh* i dont know how that happened, this is turning into a mess. the next update will be a file post, so no more text updates for the time being.

edit2; new world files uploaded, characters unchanged
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figured id give a quick update ; progress is slow but it is still progress. overall its looking good, although fixing errors as i catch them are certainly slowing things down. so i guess i better not make anymore errors then lol. i'm pleased with how the character is shaping up, but ill wait until the worlds are done before posting it. really not much else to say, i'll post it as soon as its done. sometime after that i will update my "farm" world, it would be nice to "finalize" it, i know the crystal farms can be more efficient, and see about tweaking the fishing spots.
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