Weapons & Equip Bat Bat and Ham Bat Changes


A small suggestion, dealing with the two bats added with the Don't Starve update.

Firstly, the Bat Bat.
A weapon that notoriously has the issue of having THE worst feeling melee attack in the game, with a use time of *45*, which feels like you're cutting through honey.
For comparison's sake, the Volcano has a use time of 40, and the Breaker Blade has a use time of 35, to give you an idea on how insanely sluggish this is. A use time like this in the early game, with just a basic broadsword, performs exceptionally bad when just trying to keep mobs off of you in the early game. It shouldn't be a great weapon given how you obtain it, but it shouldn't be one of the worst.
I propose reducing the use time to what it was before, 30. The damage being dropped to about 23, so you have around the same dps output.

Now, the Ham Bat.... It doesn't have a feel problem, but still plenty of other issues. One is namely, the range. The low range combined with the damage output, at 202 dps when boosted by Exquisitely stuffed (For simplicity, not including the other buffs from stuffed.), this puts it around 10 dps higher than a Titanium Broadsword, at lower range. Which... range is pretty important in early hardmode!
Surely, the healing would make up for that, but you only get the healing buff... when you kill an enemy.
I believe a good way to make this weapon at least work a little better, is modifying the buff. Apply it upon *hitting* an enemy, make it last for a shorter amount of time (about 3s?), and also let it increase acceleration? To allow you to catch up to enemies a little easier. The regeneration would also probably be reduced to 2 hp/s, to compensate.
Still not the greatest option, but a solid one.

Thank you for reading! ...this was a longer suggestion that I was anticipating.
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