Mobile Family Library - not able to add Terraria



I have Terarria on old XBOX360 and PC and as kids are usually on mobile I bought the game in Google Play to let them play it on Android as well.

As I saw the icon for family library sharing I was planning it to share it after buying with kids (apps/games that are not permitted to be shared via family library do not have this icon), but when I click on the button to add the game to Family Library I am still getting error (Item was not able to add to Family Library).

Is it a bug or a feature ? :) Do you know how to fix it?

best regards,

Hey Martin, the only thing I can think that it might be is one of the conditions for Family Library:

You used your personal credit or debit card instead of the family payment method to purchase the movie or TV show.

Can you confirm if thats maybe the source of the problem please?

I do not think this is the issue. I am still using same credit card that is attached to my Google Pay payment method and all apps/games purchased like this can be added to Family Library. This card I have interconnected with G Pay for longer period (I have more cards connected, but all of them are expired - right now during the today's check I removed all old cards) and I checked the payment history and for example I bought X-Com 2 on 20.12.2021and I can add it to Family Library.

best regards,


I do not know if you did something in parallel or this mentioned clean up of the old expired cards did the trick, but right now I was able to add Terarria to my Family Library. :cool:

thank you,

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