Weapons & Equip Flowerpow buff!!

Do you think Flowerpow needs a buff?

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Sockrteez release a new video on YouTube today and had some valid points. Flowerpow needs a buff!
Flower POW and the Leaf blower are the two “why do you exist” weapons from plantera.
Flails are only ever used as an early game melee (mace and hurt ball) or early to late HM (Flailron). So I would like to see some changes to flails such as the drippler Crippler. The projectile you get from launching it plus the high base damage makes it almost worth going out of the way to get it.
Flower POW and the Leaf blower are the two “why do you exist” weapons from plantera.
Flails are only ever used as an early game melee (mace and hurt ball) or early to late HM (Flailron). So I would like to see some changes to flails such as the drippler Crippler. The projectile you get from launching it plus the high base damage makes it almost worth going out of the way to get it.
The drippler crippler is the best melee weapon for destroyer wdym “almost make it worth getting” its good enough to use for the other mechs too but ofc other better options
Sockrteez is not a good source. P sure he was comparing the desert spirit lamp to the meteor staff against the destroyer, saying overall the meteor staff offered the best damage for a mage.

Completely ignoring the life drain clowning on both of them with it’s raw multi target dps
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