Forum Suggestion: Add links to and the wiki in the navigation bar.

I think clicking on "Home" should bring you to while clicking on the logo brings you to the forum index. Adding a link the wiki as well as the rules is also useful :)
I support this as well.

Edit: Didn't have much time to elaborate earlier, but I was wondering why this wasn't already a feature as well. Wouldn't be very hard to implement.
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I do quite agree that a wiki button would be a great addition to the navigation bar. That's probably the one thing that I'm missing the most at the moment (I look at the wiki a lot when making replies that are about Terraria itself.)
Per a discussion with Skiphs today - this will most likely be added in the semi-near future (current focus is on anything that is actually broken....then moving to adding stuff).

Thanks for the suggestion. :)
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