Blocks & Decoration Functional paintings to act as portals or mini games


Paintings don’t do much currently. It would be really neat to add some functionality so that the painter would be a more valuable npc and collecting paintings would be more rewarding

Idea #1 magic painting portal.
Late game painting made from a universal pylon maybe? It shows a picture of some part of the discovered map that you can select. Right clicking it causes you to teleport there

Idea #2 paintings that represent mini games.
Ex: a golf painting that lets you play a premade course (maybe 9-18) so you can collect all the courses, plus it could show your high score on it.
Ex: a slime mount minigame where you bounce as high as you can on timer actuated platforms that get harder and harder

Idea #3
Paintings that teleport to a mini world.
A picturesque pond that is the perfect fishing spot.
A dragons hoard of gems that you have to fight to be able to mine them
A labyrinth that is just for fun
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