I see why some people would think that, but why exactly?Curse.
You sound like Doge but, like, weirderWomen do not have arms or telepathy when the birds are in the background walls and watching. It is a clessing, friend!
But it’s true just like how the the birds will fall apart if you fix the old piano in the baby blue buildings far above the crystal grove
I've seen it, but it's been a long time; I can't remember it very well. I like dogs, I don't like that they chase squirrels, but dogs will be dogs. The fact that it didn't show them chasing any squirrels in the movie itself (from what I found with a quick web search anyway) certainly ameliorated harsh/annoyed feelings I might have towards them otherwise.Have you seen the movie Up? If so, what do you think about the dogs in it?
I'm sure it'd have its uses, but there just seems to be too many ways things could go wrong, especially with how repeated detachment loosens bonds. I could be swimming in the ocean, to have my arm or my leg suddenly pop off, never to be seen again. Or someone could run away with one of my body parts. I wouldn't think of it as a curse if I had better control over it though.I see why some people would think that, but why exactly?
Thank you, friend!You sound like Doge but, like, weirder
Now that is just absurd! Where would one even conceive of such an outlandish theory?But it’s true just like how the the birds will fall apart if you fix the old piano in the baby blue buildings far above the crystal grove
Eater of Worlds
Inverting Colours immediately makes things 2828192× betterThe only logical thing for me to do: uncarve the pumpkin, invert its colors, and sell it to the highest bidder!
I plan on doing a Terraria playthrough where I change the settings on my device so all colors are inverted, and I'll have Paint Sprayer equipped and on at all times with Negative Paint.Inverting Colours immediately makes things 2828192× better
View attachment 479116 ← Invented Boulder
Maybe I should specify just how bad it can get, it can’t get to the point where your arms just won’t stick to you anymore, plus any weakening is healed by keeping yourself together for a while.I'm sure it'd have its uses, but there just seems to be too many ways things could go wrong, especially with how repeated detachment loosens bonds. I could be swimming in the ocean, to have my arm or my leg suddenly pop off, never to be seen again. Or someone could run away with one of my body parts. I wouldn't think of it as a curse if I had better control over it though.
From hereNow that is just absurd! Where would one even conceive of such an outlandish theory?
(@HandsomeSquirrel🐿️ Edit ping)
<To you and OCs> what would you do if all the questions you ask in people's AMAs, including your own, came true?
What I mean by this is that if you went to my AMA and asked something like "What would you do if you became an anthropomorphic fox?" I would actually become one. If you went to @TechionPrime41 🌳 's AMA and ask their question about the hypnotism through eye contact back to them, they'll gain that ability. You can also ask this question to someone else to share the power with them. You can also ask yourself things and they'll come true.
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Given how complicated this question will be to answer, I won't have OCs respond, just me.<To you and OCs> what would you do if all the questions you ask in people's AMAs, including your own, came true?
What I mean by this is that if you went to my AMA and asked something like "What would you do if you became an anthropomorphic fox?" I would actually become one. If you went to @TechionPrime41 🌳 's AMA and ask their question about the hypnotism through eye contact back to them, they'll gain that ability. You can also ask this question to someone else to share the power with them. You can also ask yourself things and they'll come true.
If the power affects previous questions I've asked, I would—as soon as I discover I have it at all—negate them collectively by asking myself what I would do if I realized my ability without previous questions being taken into effect. Then, like you said in your AMA, I would use another question to add an additional required factor, making the ability controllable. I would carefully plan out what I might want to ask to whom, and what consequences there might be because of it. It would be a very dangerous power, because I could basically just give myself the ability to rewrite reality itself. I don't trust myself to play God, so I'd try to avoid anything too big. Best case scenario, I use my power to give myself an understanding of where I should set my limits, and make meaningful changes in a responsible way. And perhaps I'd give myself the ability to communicate more directly with God, for guidance and wisdom.
But let's see the fun answer, using the incorrect assumption that there would be no negative consequences to my actions and I wouldn't have to worry about responsibility! I would, like mentioned before, make the power controllable, and then give abilities and blessings to all y'all TCF legends (just about everyone here is so nice), including myself of course! I'd make the Zoologist real (aw yeah), take away my misophonia, make it so I can fall asleep faster/easier and wake up quicker, et cetera. I'd meet friends from TCF in real life, and we'd become best friends IRL! And... maybe I'd solve some of "the world's big problems", I guess. If I really feel like it.
It's probably too subtle that it doesn't effect old questions. If it effected questions before you got the power I would say "you've asked" instead of "you ask."Given how complicated this question will be to answer, I won't have OCs respond, just me.
If the power affects previous questions I've asked, I would—as soon as I discover I have it at all—negate them collectively by asking myself what I would do if I realized my ability without previous questions being taken into effect. Then, like you said in your AMA, I would use another question to add an additional required factor, making the ability controllable. I would carefully plan out what I might want to ask to whom, and what consequences there might be because of it. It would be a very dangerous power, because I could basically just give myself the ability to rewrite reality itself. I don't trust myself to play God, so I'd try to avoid anything too big. Best case scenario, I use my power to give myself an understanding of where I should set my limits, and make meaningful changes in a responsible way. And perhaps I'd give myself the ability to communicate more directly with God, for guidance and wisdom.
But let's see the fun answer, using the incorrect assumption that there would be no negative consequences to my actions and I wouldn't have to worry about responsibility! I would, like mentioned before, make the power controllable, and then give abilities and blessings to all y'all TCF legends (just about everyone here is so nice), including myself of course! I'd make the Zoologist real (aw yeah), take away my misophonia, make it so I can fall asleep faster/easier and wake up quicker, et cetera. I'd meet friends from TCF in real life, and we'd become best friends IRL! And... maybe I'd solve some of "the world's big problems", I guess. If I really feel like it.
<To you and any OCs you want> Which of these Dark enemies is the most evil?
Unicorn, maybe? It's hard determining "evilness" when you don't know their motives. Harpies are probably the most annoying to me personally.<To you and any OCs you want> Which of these Dark enemies is the most evil?
View attachment 479483View attachment 479484View attachment 479485
I dunno, but why is the owl there? Owls aren't enemies.
That's a harpy.
by evil I kinda meant something like "does this only exist to make us suffer"Unicorn, maybe? It's hard determining "evilness" when you don't know their motives. Harpies are probably the most annoying to me personally.
I dunno, but why is the owl there? Owls aren't enemies.
That's a harpy.
Like a dark biome mimic
Giant Tortoises can be a pain when they catch you by surprise, but they're easily stunlocked, so I'd say probably evil I kinda meant something like "does this only exist to make us suffer"
Like a dark biome mimic
TechionPrime41 🌳
Living Tree
<To Wolfy, Reginald, Enigma*, Maria, Mobart, Mr. Kreleef, and you> If you could have any 3 creatures as pets(not at the same time, of course), fictional or real, what 3 would you choose? Likewise, what 3 would you least want to have as pets?
*I'm gonna refer to the ??? OC of yours in your signature as "Enigma" for the time being... if they're allowed to be asked things, anyway.
Edit: FORGOT THAT YOU STILL HAVE THE TIME BAN OML SORRY! Crossing some of the ones in here out to hopefully save you some time unless you want to answer as them
*I'm gonna refer to the ??? OC of yours in your signature as "Enigma" for the time being... if they're allowed to be asked things, anyway.
Edit: FORGOT THAT YOU STILL HAVE THE TIME BAN OML SORRY! Crossing some of the ones in here out to hopefully save you some time unless you want to answer as them
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It's alright, I had plenty of time to type stuff out on Notes earlier today; my grandma made us go shoe shopping for my brother and sister. (She said it'd be quick, but it took an hour and a half, and my brother didn't even find a pair he wanted.) Typing out responses was one of the ways I passed the time.Edit: FORGOT THAT YOU STILL HAVE THE TIME BAN OML SORRY! Crossing some of the ones in here out to hopefully save you some time unless you want to answer as them
I'm just gonna go with one creature for everybody. I would have a gold squirrel. Or maybe just a regular squirrel, because then I wouldn't have people trying to take it. But a gold squirrel would be cooler. Although, squirrels aren’t typically very domesticated, so I wouldn’t just choose any squirrel; I’d make sure I get one that’s ok with being inside a lot and not prone to destroying things.<To Wolfy, Reginald,Enigma*, Maria,Mobart,Mr. Kreleef, and you> If you could have any 3 creatures as pets(not at the same time, of course), fictional or real, what 3 would you choose?
Maybe a baby werewolf, like the one I have in Terraria? I mean, I don’t want a pet human ‘cause that would be really weird, but the Terraria baby werewolf seems to only have a wolf form so I think it’d be okay. Still kinda weird though, ‘cause I’m a wolf too…
A wee baby dragon! ‘Nuff said.
I changed my mind; I want a tiny dragon too!
Hmm… if I wanted to take the easy route, I’d choose something like a pygmy puff or an eevee/eeveelution. Small, cute, and relatively easy to take care of. But I’d prefer a dragon; they’re like, sooo epic, and I could ride on its back to fly! Wait, of course! I’d get something that shapeshifts, like a ditto or a changeling!
The creature I wish most to take care of is myself! I would feed myself, give myself walks, and relentlessly train mysef in advanced martial arts. Having a pet, especially one as high-level as I, takes immense responsibility, but I believe I am up to the task. Please, may I have me?

Maybe a loyal dog. I like dogs… the nice ones, anyway.
Hey, why’d you ask everyone but me and Roxin? :(
Well, it probably had somethin to do with Squirrel’s post earlier about not asking questions directed towards all OCs at once. As for why Techion chose us specifically, it’s probably ‘cause I don’t care as much, and you… well, sorry if I’m being blunt, but you tend ta find someone to agree with, usually Squirrel or Wolfy.
*blushes* I have plenty opinions of my own! >_<
Sorry, sorry, I know ya do. I shouldn’t’ve said that. There probably wasn’t some specific reason behind our exclusion.
Well… even if I wasn’t mentioned, I’d like to give my answer anyway.
I’d wanna have a Pokémon, like Pikachu! I think my Terraria character had a Volt Bunny, actually. (I haven’t played very much lately…)
There's undoubtedly some fictional creature out there who can inflict eternal suffering on everything in the universe; it would make for a rather poor pet. I think all my OCs would agree with me that that would be the worst pet any of us could have. Except maybe Mobart, he usually has something unique to say. Mobart?Likewise, what would you least want to have as a pet?
Steve Carell. He could bite me!
Why would Steve Carell bite you?
Do not question his ways, or he may bite you as well!
I haven't made enough of their character to respond to questions yet; I was just reserving their text color in advance. All I have about them so far is that they’re a blind seclusive snake.*I'm gonna refer to the ??? OC of yours in your signature as "Enigma" for the time being... if they're allowed to be asked things, anyway.
TechionPrime41 🌳
Living Tree
<To Mobart> ...why were you petting a person?*begins petting Climmy*
Macey, Roxin, there are reasons why I didn't ask either of you that question. Roxin, you're correct in the fact that HS mentioned not wanting people to ask every OC at once being a part of it, although that's mainly it for you at least. As for you, Macey, there was also the fact that you'd probably be able to will anything you wanted into existence, so it'd kind of be weird to ask you that question with that in mind. Sorry if I made either of you two feel left out, though!Hey, why’d you ask everyone but me and Roxin?
Well, it probably had somethin to do with Squirrel’s post earlier about not asking questions directed towards all OCs at once. As for why Techion chose us specifically, it’s probably ‘cause I don’t care as much, and you… well, sorry if I’m being blunt, but you tend ta find someone to agree with, usually Squirrel or Wolfy.
*Pets Wolfy for a little bit.*
<To Macey, Reginald, and Roxin> I allowed to pet the rest of you as well?
<To you and any OCs above 13 you want>
If you were a Volapine, which form would you be? If this is different from the previous question, which form would you WANT to be?
If you were a Volapine, which form would you be? If this is different from the previous question, which form would you WANT to be?
Hunter and Beans have been petted many times; why exclude Climmy?<To Mobart> ...why were you petting a person?
*pets Elys with one hand and Horn with the other*
(@Esther @Orchamut (pings so y'all are aware))
Well… I forgive you.Macey, Roxin, there are reasons why I didn't ask either of you that question. Roxin, you're correct in the fact that HS mentioned not wanting people to ask every OC at once being a part of it, although that's mainly it for you at least. As for you, Macey, there was also the fact that you'd probably be able to will anything you wanted into existence, so it'd kind of be weird to ask you that question with that in mind. Sorry if I made either of you two feel left out, though!
It’s all good.
*grins, tail wagging**Pets Wolfy for a little bit.*
Umm.. sure! :3<To Macey, Reginald, and Roxin> I allowed to pet the rest of you as well?
...I s’pose I wouldn’t mind.
I’d rather not be touched.
(TWillyH, I will answer your question next, but later, once I've typed it out.)
I’m not sure which I would be, but I’d want to be a Psychic one, with no mind-reading, limited past/future seeing, better memory, and excellent telekinesis. Although a Nature form with talking to animals would be neat too.<To you and any OCs above 13 you want>
If you were a Volapine, which form would you be? If this is different from the previous question, which form would you WANT to be?
I’d be Psychic! I’d prolly wanna be either Psychic or Dark. >:3
I know I'm still just a kid, but once I got old enough, ice! Ice ice ice ice ice ice ice ice. Hehehe. Ice is nice. Hehe. Energy would be cool too, ‘cause I could shoot lasers and lightning and stuff.
Fire’s my forte! It’s fantastic. One might even say it’s the cat’s pajamas! (Y’know, figuratively.)
You must return that poor kitty’s PJs! It may get cold at night, rendering it unable to sufficiently rest! I must say, you are not being very sporting.
I very clearly said “figuratively”.
If the cat did not have a figure on which pajamas could reside, we would not have a problem.
Hey HS, that figure of speech ya gave me ain’t workin’ out so well.
Sorry. (Blame Mobart, he’s the one being weird about it.)
I am innocent! Do not look in my basement.
I would be a Dark/Shadow Bright/Light hybrid, and I would cause all petals to spin in the opposite direction, shifting the balance of reality itself! As for what I would desire to be, Metal. I could shape metal around myself in a round protective shell and bowl down those who would oppose me like they are bowling pins or discarded candles!
I'd totally be either Nature, Energy, or Dark. But I don't know which I'd want to be; they're all sooo rad; I couldn't choose!
Bro thinks he's florr.ioI would be a Dark/Shadow Bright/Light hybrid, and I would cause all petals to spin in the opposite direction, shifting the balance of reality itself!
<To you and any OCs you want> What would you do if you asked someone what 9 + 10 was and they answered 21?
I'd say something like "Good answer!"<To you and any OCs you want> What would you do if you asked someone what 9 + 10 was and they answered 21?
Also, I may as well start this now:
Our answers (or questions, rather) will be in separate spoilers, each spoiler containing all of a certain OC's questions for me and my other OCs, along with our responses. I'm gonna have them ask themselves questions too, to be funny. (Using indentation for distinction between question-asker self and answerer self when self-asking.) I will answer this across multiple posts, with one to a few spoilers in each.<To you and OCs> If you could ask one question to each of your OCs, what would it be?
(For OCs, this would be asking a question to other OCs and you if they’re aware of their creator’s existence)
To myself: Do you consider your online persona as a shiny blue metal squirrel to be a fursona?
To Macey: Isn’t it illegal to do doctor stuff to patients when you aren’t an actual legal certified doctor?
Uhh… I dunno. I sure hope not!
To Wolfy: Do you have any plans for more Pizza Hoplite locations? If so, where?
Not yet. I did have a ton of fun making that second branch, though, espeshally 'cause it's part of a branch of a tree, which is really funny!
Yeah, you did a great job! (Also, it's spelled "especially". Sorry for being the spelling police.)
(It's okay! I'm glad you pointed it out; I gotta get more good at spelling. More gooder. Hehehe.)
To Reginald: Is your Wall of Flesh build finished yet?
Yes, I need t’ take pictures! Thanks fer the reminder.
To Roxin: What’s one of your favorite newspaper funnies?
To Mobart: Do you still reforge weapons and accessories? If so, have you gotten better at it?
I expanded my mental and physical scope a long time ago, friend; I may reforge anything I wish! Though I admit, I do not do so very often.
To Mr. Kreleef: How long have you had such bad luck?
*grunt* Since forever, I think. But it wasn’t too bad until that ridiculous roleplay started and I got hit by that
rocket piece or whatever
that was.
Yeah, I kinda do. More accurately, I imagine it as being a "squirrelsona", with my fursona being said squirrelsona anthropomorphized to the approximate shape as my human self. But I don't really think about the latter very much.
To Macey: Isn’t it illegal to do doctor stuff to patients when you aren’t an actual legal certified doctor?
Uhh… I dunno. I sure hope not!
To Wolfy: Do you have any plans for more Pizza Hoplite locations? If so, where?
Not yet. I did have a ton of fun making that second branch, though, espeshally 'cause it's part of a branch of a tree, which is really funny!
Yeah, you did a great job! (Also, it's spelled "especially". Sorry for being the spelling police.)
(It's okay! I'm glad you pointed it out; I gotta get more good at spelling. More gooder. Hehehe.)
To Reginald: Is your Wall of Flesh build finished yet?
Yes, I need t’ take pictures! Thanks fer the reminder.
To Roxin: What’s one of your favorite newspaper funnies?
To Mobart: Do you still reforge weapons and accessories? If so, have you gotten better at it?
I expanded my mental and physical scope a long time ago, friend; I may reforge anything I wish! Though I admit, I do not do so very often.
To Mr. Kreleef: How long have you had such bad luck?
*grunt* Since forever, I think. But it wasn’t too bad until that ridiculous roleplay started and I got hit by that
(I haven't prepared my questions for this one yet, but as they become ready I'll start asking them in your AMA, in the same fashion I have here—in individual spoilers for me and each of my OCs, containing all our questions to you and each of your OCs.)also, <still to you and OCs> If you could ask one question to each of MY OCs, what would it be?
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TechionPrime41 🌳
Living Tree
<To you and your OCs> If you were able to choose, which Volapine type would you least want to have?
*Pets Macey and Reginald for a bit*
*Pets Macey and Reginald for a bit*
<To you and any OCs above 13 you want>
If you were a Volapine, which form would you be? If this is different from the previous question, which form would you WANT to be?
I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier, but I might be Emotion, which would be cool too! Then again, I can probably already do anything that Emotion Volalution powers would otherwise give me.I’d be Psychic! I’d prolly wanna be either Psychic or Dark. >:3
Like @CTNC and @TWillyH said, Fire or Energy; I wouldn’t want to accidentally set anything on fire or fry any electronics.<To you and your OCs> If you were able to choose, which Volapine type would you least want to have?
I don’t really have a least favorite. All of ‘em sound really neat! :3
Prolly water; I like to hang out in really cold places where the water’s either freezing or frozen.
While water might be handy fer stayin’ hydrated, I’d prob’ly get sand in my gills, which I imagine’d be mightily unpleasant.
Fire, for it is the ultimate cleanser! It would erase the very essence of my being, and perhaps even my allies around me! That, or it will make us squeaky clean, and thus frictionless, sending us slowly sliding towards the deepest pits of the endless void!
Heightened emotions might make it difficult to control my werefox form… but like, I’ve gotten good enough at it that I’d probably be able to adjust pretty easy; I’d say Fire would be worst for me.
*grins, tail swishing back and forth**Pets Macey and Reginald for a bit*
*smiles gently*
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