Biomes & Nature Hell in reverse


(Or space) You know how when you dig deep enough, you reach hell? What about, if you build up enough, you reach space. Space should be a completely different biome like hell, with almost all enemies being airborn. There are comets which you can climb on, which are almost entirely made of precious ore, like meteorite or platinum/gold. It even has it's own boss and NPC, the comet head (Like a meteorhead, except faster, the size of the comets you climb on (So big), and harder), and the Astronaut (Sells stuff like the astronaut vanity clothing, the thruster (New type of wings), etc)

Here is a list I compiled

New items
1. Cometite (On rare, large comets, like meteor, also dropped by the comet head boss)
2. Astronaut suit (Vanity items sold by Astronaut)
3. Thruster (Like the jetpack, new type of wings)
4. Cometite tools (Cometite is in between hellstone and cobalt for reference)
5. Comet cannon (Star cannon combined with 20 cometite bars makes a comet cannon, which does 5 more damage per shot then a regular star cannon.
Or maybe, to spice up life a bit, making a craftable astronaut suit and that is like the diving gear, because there is no air up there
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