Heyal! Nikimoney here!


What's up everyone? How ya doing?
After my best friend got tired of Dota 2, we started searching for a new game..
He suggested Terraria since he has played it before. And we've both played Minecraft for a very long time too...
I wasn't really up for it.. I don't know why.. Just had like this passive pre-fixed dislike towards it..
But then he bought our third friend the game. So I was like - "Eh, what the heck, it's 6$ either way.. I guess I could try it..."
And so we got into our adventure.
It was a coincidence, but that was just around the time the Halloween Season in Terraria started (20 Oct.) and I was like: "WTF? Is that a slime or a bunny?"..
Took me some time to figure out those stuff. But I really got into the game and loved it.. I have around 300 hours already, since we started..
We started with softcore heroes in a normal world.. Then, after we had beaten all bosses besides the Moon Lord and the Pumpkin/Frost Moons, we started a new world. An expert one. Although still with softcore heroes. I don't think we're ready for medicore at all..
Let me get back to it. We didn't do the Moon Lord and the Moon events, because I've already done the PM once with another hero, which my best friend geared for me, and him with his geared hero, in a new world - so we could see if we could do it. We got around wave 12-13 and we always ran out of time. But that was enough of a taste of experience.
I'm always looking at stuff on the internet, so I basically know how the frost moon and moon lord go.
And our other friend wasn't really comming to play (at all). So we were only the 2 of us. And since we both knew we were going to make another world after we get this one done -
We decided to move on to the new world directly, cuz he would only build and then it would go to hell.. or at least it wont matter, cuz we'll go to another world..
So yeah.. That's that..
Now we're in an expert world. And we've done all bosses pre-hardmode. And we're taking our time to build like 60+% of what we're going to build, because it will be hell to try build after we enter hardmode in expert..
My first ever "building" that I just did, is a bigger version of a Granite Chest that is going to be my Storage Room. I used the icon image and edited it in paint. It shows the pixels, so I used 1p = 1 tile.
And I made the design in Paint, then tried to build it in-game. I'm currently almost done. I will add the complete image of it in-game, when it's done.
Currently the paint file looks like this: http://prntscr.com/93fr77
That is x:30 y:32
And the stripes are chests on platforms. The lighter purple - chests. The medium purple - platforms. The darker purple - Smooth Granite Block/Wall
The two vertical rows are going to be just walls.. The horizontal "roof" in the middle is going to be out of blocks. And on top of those blocks there's going to be 2 rooms (in left and right). You go up there through the middle, where the "lock" is illustrated. There are going to be 2 doors there (where it's like Pi TT ), with stairs going down in the room.
The lightest purple is going to be out of Demonite Bricks I think... It's going to serve like the roof of the rooms (which are the roof of the whole chest, or more like the upper-part of the chest, which is being lifted when opened.
The arcs, which should serve as the top corners of the big chest, which aren't really arcs on this picture, are changed. And I will proceed to try hammer 'em a lil' to see if they'll look better that way..
So yeah.. That's it for now..
I really hope I see some cool stuff from you guys, and hopefully even make friends here! lol. xD
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