Console Housing menu bug, kinda interesting actually


First off i apologize for the quality of the photos. But i need someone to see this ridiculous bug. If you have the housing page as the second page, you have to do a specific path for it to work.

If you move along this path, housing will not work:

However if you use this path the housing menu will work:

And if you have your equipment page in there, the path does not matter, it will always work. It's only if the housing page is the second page in the list. @Loki @Unit One This is really really strange to me. not sure if it is important enough to be looked at/fixed as there are work arounds, but i just wanted to bring it to your attention in case others are still having issues with the housing menu on console. Honestly cause me to go to bed angry last night and only just figured it out. My wife was able to mess with my housing when i handed her my controller, but i couldn't. I actualyl watched her step by step this mornign repeatedly before i caught it.
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