I am working on a video script for a critical analysis of how Art inspires Art can I conduct an Interview?

Hi there, my name is Sean Saint-Saens I am a Mechanical Engineering Student and Musician.

Apologizes if this is the wrong place to contact. I know you guys are busy. I sent an email to the business email (3 weeks ago) and dusted off an old twitter account sending a tweet (if that's how you even do it) to Relogic offical account. I also contacted the mod mail of the discord and was sent here. I am currently writing a script for a video exploring the art and the art it inspires. I am looking at Calamity and Terraria and have been working on this script for 2 months now. and the script has reached 10k words and is expected to reach 15k-20k words being around 2-3ish hours long. I mention this as I wish to express the appreciation I have for what the Terraria Devs have created which is why I have chosen it for this video. I have no following and am doing this purely as a passion project. I was curious if it is possible to get an interview with one of the developers as some of the questions I have I haven't been able to find answers to and I want to be as through as possible. I am willing to pay or donate money to the developer for their time or donate to a charity of their choosing. I have been lucky enough to have an interview scheduled with the lead programmer of Calamity and a written interview with Calamity's Creator and Owner. I am very much willing to wait till after the holidays and can do it on their time. Please let me know if this can happen and what I can do to help make it happen.

Thank you for all the memories you help me make, and apologizes if this is the wrong way to reach out and wasting your time.
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