Introducing Myself


My pseudonym is Marcato and I have owned Terraria since March 22nd 2021 although aware of it since 2013 from friends who played it on mobile and then later from those who played it on steam. I now have 100 hours in the game and understand much of the vernacular used by longtime players when it comes to playing the game. I overlooked the game for 8 years due to my Minecraft obsession which had been grown and built since the beta in 2011. I am glad I didn't wait longer to pick up this title since I can't change the past, but can choose what I do now within reason. I got steam in 2017 for TF2 which I maintain mild interest in, the red and blu team colors are used in my profile picture background, nothing otherwise is there. I am a furry, though I am a bit distant from the fandom due to the heavy push for certain forms of openness which I am not completely comfortable with. I really enjoy the cosplay, design and storytelling aspects of the fandom which is why I joined in the first place. Master mode is my preference when playing the game, as the risk, reward and honor found in it is excellent. Anyway I can elaborate more later if I need to, but I shouldn't have to list everything in one blow. I am excited to see how the community around this amazing game is structured and what the future holds for it.

Feel free to reply and ask questions.
if you are playing on pc, you should consider playing with mods. Some of them are really well made and make the game a lot more fun.
W T T Forums by the way
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