Linux Linux dedicated server crashes on player join.


Anyone had any luck running the linux dedicated server since the hotfix? 1.3.3 worked perfectly, but crashes as soon as any player joins, regardless of who joins, from the same LAN or not, with a new world or an old one.

More specifically, mono sends SIGABRT with the error message "Assertion at method-to-ir.c:14996, condition 'lvregs_len < 1024' not met, followed by two stacktraces, one for the server and one for mono:

  at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
  at Terraria.NPC.UpdateNPC (int) <0x04d03>
  at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime) <0x09563>
  at Terraria.Main.Update (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime) <0x00067>
  at Terraria.Main.DedServ () <0x01dfa>
  at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame (string[]) <0x00167>
  at Terraria.LinuxLaunch.Main (string[]) <0x00037>
  at (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>.runtime_invoke_void_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x000d1>

        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb95685b8f]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb952350b0]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb9523504f]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb9523647a]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb95836b59]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb95836dec]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb95836f83]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb9563aea3]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb955e72e6]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb955e80f4]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb955ec610]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb95688abe]
        /usr/lib/ [0x7feb9568940c]

There's also a frame dump of mono's threads but that's not really relevant.

It's also worth noting that the crash messes with STDIN on both the native linux terminal and sometimes xterm, a player attempting to join will be loaded into the world, then lose connection a few seconds later.

As an aside, the player join message shows up at the top of the debug info provided by GDB which is quite strange, but most likely just some little unrelated quirk/bug with stream pipelining.

I'm using mono version, which hasn't been updated since I started running the previous version of the dedicated server.
For me crashes either on world generation of a large world or when a player joins and starts to move.

Joining works as long as the player remains stationary.

I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTE
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