Tool List of useful Tools for Modding, Development, and Fun


So these arent specifically for a niche use case for terraria but could be very helpful to anyone making mods or working on their own projects, i did not make these tools and am just providing links to their respective pages

Audio Stuff

LMMS, is a program for writing music which is totally free, it has vst and vsti support so 3rd party plugins / instruments can be loaded and there are tons of those available on the internet both paid and free.
LMMS | Home

Audacity is a free sound editor, useful for making some tweaks or editing waves

LabChirp, is an amazing tool for making sound effects with some pretty powerful features, also free - Free games, programs and tracker music by Labbed

Polyphone, this one allows you to make .sf2 soundfonts, i personally use it mostly to make drumkits from samples, and then load those into the sf player in lmms
Home - Polyphone Soundfont Editor

Graphics Stuff

Spartan, a free pixel art program someone made for a game jam that has some procedural generation stuff and is honestly pretty nice
SPARTAN Procedural Tile Generator by PNJeffries for Procedural Generation Jam 2014

GraphicsGale, this ones got a bit of a learning curve but its a fantastic pixel art program, and became freeware some time ago
Animation Graphic Editor - GraphicsGale

Synfig Studio, this ones also got a learning curve, its a free modular animation software

Gimp is basically like a free photoshop that isnt photoshop, big learning curve, not great for pixel art but can be useful

Paint dot Net, is another graphics program i dont use it much but its free
Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing

Krita is yet another graphics program with some nice features.

Tiled is a free tilemap editor, it can be useful for assembling things from tilesets, its not exactly a graphics program but it can be used as one.

Irfanview is a graphics viewer with some nice batch edit operations, its not free for commercial use, but as most modders arent selling their mods that doesn't apply as far as im aware. All around its a good tool to have in the toolbox for graphics stuff.
IrfanView - Official Homepage - One of the Most Popular Viewers Worldwide

Interprite, is a tool that creates frames between frames in animations, doesn't do a perfect job but can save a good bit of time requiring some generally minimal editing

Code and Text Stuff

Open Office is a free office suite similar to microsoft office, useful for organization of ideas and such
Apache OpenOffice - Official Site - The Free and Open Productivity Suite

Notepad++ is a free text editor with alot of useful features for coding such as formatting and things like syntax highlighting

Visual Studio Community, is an IDE for coding, its the free version and most people modding probably already have it installed but the list would be incomplete without it.
Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition – Download Latest Free Version

File Management and Data Stuff

Anti Twin is a duplicate file remover, use at own risk its not perfect and can delete things you dont want it to if youre not careful
Anti Twin - Duplicate file search (Freeware) - Find and delete duplicate files or similar images

Bulk Rename Utility, is exactly what the name says it renames files based on user inputs in bulk, has a bit of a learning curve to it, but can be very useful when dealing with loads of files, again use at your own risk,
Bulk Rename Utility - Free File Renaming Software

FilelistCreator, creates text file lists of files in a directory, can be useful in project management

And thats about it for now, if i encounter any other really useful things ill be sure to update the post in the future, hopefully these are helpful.
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