PC Lost connection


All the threads I find on this are dead, and the solutions don't work.

On a world my friend hosts, every ten minutes or so I get kicked with a "lost connection" message. We use steam multiplayer so port forwarding stuff doesnt apply. I have 2 other friends who play and aren't the host and they do not have the same problem.

I have tried reinstalling, restarting pc, restarting router, turning off cloud saves, and tried a different character. I also tried verifying my cache but every time it says it is re applying a file but it never fixes. I am willing to do basically anything, please help!!!
From your description, it sounds like there's an issue with your internet connection. It doesn't seem stable.

Do you connect using WiFi or a cable?
From your description, it sounds like there's an issue with your internet connection. It doesn't seem stable.

Do you connect using WiFi or a cable?
I have a wifi extender connected to my pc with an ethernet cable. I get 300 up and about 23 down. Other online games work.
Ok. I recommend trying using a cable, if at all possible, instead of WiFi. Your neighbor's WiFi activity could cause hickups in your WiFi, even if your using 5GHz (which is less congested than 2,4GHz).

It is also possible that the hosts internet connection is overwhelmed by the number of players (although if that's the case your other friends should have issues as well). It might be a good idea to try with fewer players.
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