Blocks & Decoration Lunar Fragment Blocks should merge with Dirt.


This thread is a suggestion to add block merging between lunar fragment blocks and dirt.

What is block merging?
Block merging is the mechanic where adjacent blocks of different types will have textures that "connect", leaving no visual gap between them.

What is the problem?
The Lunar (Nebula, Solar, Stardust, Vortex) Fragment Blocks merge with several common building blocks and soils (Mud, Sand, etc.), but not with Dirt (or Clay for that matter).


This is nice. The Fragment Blocks merge with Sand (a soil) and Smooth Sandstone (an artificial block).


This is also great. The Fragment Blocks merge with the Jungle's Grass and Mud.


This is unexpected behaviour. The Fragment Blocks merge with the pure Grass but not with Dirt (same goes for Clay).

Additionally, placing the Fragment Blocks on pure Grass will eventually kill the Grass, turning its block to Dirt and creating this separation over time.

What can be done?
I suggest that block merging is added between Clay and the Fragment Blocks, and Dirt and the Fragment Blocks, as I believe it to be an oversight, considering that Fragment Blocks merge with other soils.
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