PC Main Menu resizing?


Hello everyone;

A long story short is that I recently got a new; epic monitor. This particular monitor is capable of running a 4k resolution. In changing resolution at the main menu in Terraria there are a few issues that crop up.

1. All text shrinks into a barely legible mess (not necessarily an issue but; kind of annoying)
2. The background ground appears to have risen and all the clouds are behind it (the celestial bodies (moon and sun) are higher than the screen limitations or behind the solid(further) background one or the other.)
3. I found the scaling option for in game use however; I did not see any way to apply this to this menu(or; if it is meant for this menu then, it is not working)

If anyone has suggestions, tips, or tricks I would be all ears. It may be possible too that this is just the way the game runs; in which case I would call this more of a suggestion post in regards to an update in the future if one is in mind?

I have included a picture of the menu below. Thank you for taking the time to read this and again; I would love any feedback provided. Have a great summer :)
As far as I know, the zoom setting only applies to in game use and doesn't apply to the Main Menu. I do not know whether the developers consider this a bug, or if they consider it simply as a feature that is not yet added.

For now you may have to stick with in game zoom and hope that the developers eventually add Main Menu to scale with the UI scale in game.
Thanks Grumpy squid for giving your thoughts. After poking at it some more I am wondering if a zoom for the menu would even affect it. Reason being is that in game the scrolling background still has the same issue. (much higher than it is supposed to be causing the sun to be overshadowed.)

Either way; thanks again for your thoughts :)
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