Portfolio/Multi-Topic Master mode tweaks

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As of now, I'm in the middle of a master mode play through. I believe that master mode is unbalanced, especially when looking at multiplayer. I play with 4 other players, 1 melee, 2 mages, and 1 summoner, with me being the ranger. So, I propose a series of tweaks to the mode.

1. Health Scaling

When we fight bosses, we try to do them as a group, but the game is telling us not to do this. With every player, the health of bosses increases an enormous amount, making the already bloated boss health bars insurmountable. This puts us in the situation where we either struggle through a healthbar that some group members have trouble pushing through due to class unbalance, or that we use the late join glitch so that the boss has a lower healthbar than if all 5 of us were in. This is not fun. Master mode is meant to be a challenge, yet this is only challenging our patience with the formerly easy bosses.

2. Damage and Armor

As it stands, I do believe that the level of damage you take is reasonable. It makes avoiding getting hit critical, and changes your strategy. Armor, on the other hand, is useless. This is not exclusive to master mode, as this is also something that expert mode has. I do believe master mode should adjust it though. Make it so that every 1 armor gives you 0.25% damage reduction, so that armor maxing can be viable, atleast slightly. At the very extreme level, after sacrificing all other abilities, one can achieve a little over 200 armor. This would translate to 50% damage reduction. This seems like a game breaking level of reduction, until you rember that to get there every other ability was sacrificed, and that it makes you a 4 shot instead of a 2 shot.

3. Fodder Health

In its current state, invasions feel like a series of super zombies coming for you, so of them with ranged weapons. It's not very interesting, nor is it engaging. It's somewhat frustrating at times. And it's a missed opportunity. Invasions shouldn't be a series of high health enemies that can solo cap your own home, it should be what it's named. An invasion. So instead of giving them extra health, they should have increased spawn rates, and have better ai for coordinating with one another. Have armored goblins slow down when Infront of archer goblins, have pirate flintlock shooters retreat before firing again, have goblin peons bunch up and jump up and down in one big wave while running at you. Things like this would be interesting, and present new challenges to tackle. Also, in general, more tweaking should be done on certain enemies health, such as the ghost. It is very easy to feedback loop new players with one or two ghosts making 2 more graveyards.
I feel that increased stats are fine, of course AI changes are always very welcome, that goes without saying but armor is fine as it is.
How many times did you see max regen plus armor set ups afk moon lord?
Buff it more? that's just a bad idea. As for changing it to damage reduction hmmm semms kinda op in combo with dodge and worm scarf
that would be 50% + 17% + dodge chance from stacked accesories

as for the boss health bars doesn't terraria go easy on us anyway? Like the bosses have more health but don't have greater capability to attack, besides that i'm pretty sure that heath added isn't even 100% of health of boss

As for invations, well yes they're hard and annoying, but so are invations on single played, personally don't see much increase in difficulty between multi and single player(here saying it mostly about slime rain, goblin army, pirate invasion, third stage of olds one army and lunar events, these are the ones i do in most of my single and multiplayer runs)
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