with the jungle one, you have to duplicate it for all jungle related steps. ie jungle temple, otherwise it gets stuck on those
Can you please clarify? Are you talking about making a naturally generated structure?How do you make a house
Can you please clarify? Are you talking about making a naturally generated structure?said:
How do you make a house
Thank you for your input, but as I've said, i know how to place a tile, but what I am looking for is how to specify, using a {0,0,0,0,0[...]} table by preference, where the tile is to place a table:
WorldGen.PlaceTile(Main.spawnTileX - 3, Main.spawnTileY -13, TileID.Tables);
and random coordinates
While I understand why ExampleWell works well (haha) for you, I do not think it is a good implementation for world generation. The best way that I've found to do structures is to either make a way to save and load structures yourself, or use someone else's way of doing that. Personally, I've used Scalie's Structurizer for this, and it works with multitiles, chests (I think), tile entities, tiles, etc., and makes it very easy to do this on world generation. All you need to do is make a structure, save it with the Structure Wand, place the resulting structure file in your mod, then use StructureHelper.GenerateStructure to do the rest.Hello,
I am currently trying to understand structure generation, and I have found that the ExampleWell is perfect for what I am looking for. I managed to adapt it in order to spawn premade nests wherever Clouds are in order to spawn them on floating island.
However, I've been having trouble generating a multitile piece of furniture in the middle of every nest. I've been trying to generate kegs as a placeholder, as what i'm planning replace it with is a 2x2 modded tile...
Thank you so much for your reply. I had tried to use StructureHelper before but it was quite complicated and I couldn't figure much, and then ExampleWell came so close to what I was looking for that I trashed the idea completely. But you're right, ExampleWell might DROWN me in code that could be just as easily be contained within StructureHelper.While I understand why ExampleWell works well (haha) for you, I do not think it is a good implementation for world generation. The best way that I've found to do structures is to either make a way to save and load structures yourself, or use someone else's way of doing that. Personally, I've used Scalie's Structurizer for this, and it works with multitiles, chests (I think), tile entities, tiles, etc., and makes it very easy to do this on world generation. All you need to do is make a structure, save it with the Structure Wand, place the resulting structure file in your mod, then use StructureHelper.GenerateStructure to do the rest.
Elaborating a bit, the ExampleWell multidimensional array format is a super slow, manual way to do structures, which isn't even very flexible when put to the test. It's hard to update, slow to implement, slower to test, super difficult to read, and most of all, really, really large in your .cs files, something which I personally dislike.
As an aside, WorldGen.PlaceObject is also inconsistent (for some reason) - I'd recommend using your own custom PlaceObject, as not only would it be more consistent, but it'd also be more controllable, which is nice.
No problem!Again, I want to thank you, I did manage to find a way to use StructureHelper ! It is far easier now ^^', with the added bonus of being able to randomize the structure...
I'm afraid this isn't a mod at all, lol. This is a tutorial for mod world, this mod looks awesome
This depends on your organization, but this is how I'd go about this -Hey, I'm trying to get a custom biome to generate randomly in my world after a boss has been defeated, I'm totally lost here, thanks in advance.
in order to make it easy to read that I'm spawning the Anti-Guide biome when the NPC is killed without making the NPC's code too lengthy with worldgen code.