Music that Best Represents Light Themes


Staff member
Music can have a great impact in spicing up daily life. It can help to make Video games, Anime, TV, and Movies even more epic. It can help people get through difficult times in life. And also serve as a motivator to get a task done and make even a boring task a little more fun. Sometimes it can also be there to just better reflect what we're really feeling on the inside.

Here I've made a list of themes and emotions that seem to represent light and positive things that certain types of music may be associated with. What you'll do is post one song that you think fits with each of these themes (You can post the video of the song or just say the name and composer if the composer is known. Or do both). You can post more for each theme if you're having trouble deciding. The limit of embedded videos per post is 10 so the list will not have more than 10 items so you can at least have 1 embedded video for each theme at the minimum.
  • Hope
  • Justice
  • Happiness
  • Love
  • Light
  • Purity
  • Life
  • Creation
If there is a positive feeling theme or emotion that isn't on this list that you think would fit as a theme, you may include the name of this new theme and its song in your post as well. Only condition is that you consider it to have a "Light" or "Positive" feeling behind it. There is a sister thread to this about Dark Themed music, so music you believe has a "Dark" or "Negative" feeling to it will belong in that thread instead of here.

I will have my List contained in the below spoiler to serve as an example and to show my take on this list. Discussion with other users is encouraged about why they think certain music fits with certain themes and whether the music sounds "Light" or "Dark". Considering the subjective nature of music, not everyone will agree on what is "Light" or "Dark" music which is why it will be left up to your discretion on what classifies as Light for this thread. Pretty much anything that classifies as music goes. Can't just be sound effects though.

Hope: "Experienced Many Battles" From Naruto Shippuden Ost

Composer: Yasuharu Takahashi

Naruto Shippuden music tends to have a lot of sad music, considering that pretty much every character in the series has had a very harsh life. This song still says that there is hope for a better future than the present that still exists now to be freed from the despair of history.

Justice: "Never Givin' Up!!" From Yumina the Ethereal Ost

One of the title themes from the visual novel, but also appears before fighting one of the Final Bosses and seems to represent that the characters believe in themselves, their friends, and know how they want the world to be like.

Happiness: "Ring your Song" From Tsubasa Chronicles Ost

Composer: Yuki Kajiura

I actually haven't seen this anime (Though I've read some of the manga). The reason I know about this song is mainly because I listen to a lot of music from Yuki Kajiura. The feeling I get from the melody and lyrics of the song is that the characters have beaten a big obstacle that was preventing them from moving forward with their lives. With this obstacle out of the way they are able to find a form of happiness.

Love: "Golden Time" From Golden Time Ost (1st Opening of Golden Time)

A great opening will represent the overall theme of an entertainment medium well. Which is love in this anime. It shows that Love isn't all roses and butterflies, but is full of challenges and sadness as well. And accepting love is accepting those challenges along with the rosy parts. Which happens to represent both this anime and irl love well.

Light: "Theme of Law" From Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Ost

While in the game its from, it mainly represents the Angel Mastema and the Law Faction he's affiliated with. As the theme of Light it seems to represent light shining down from the heavens giving life and energy to the World.

Purity: "Blue World" Vocaloid Song Sung by Miku Hatsune

The name of the song and feeling gotten from it suggest coming from a pure blue world untainted by Dark Influences and emotions.

Life: "Cradle" From Madlax Ost

Composer: Yuki Kajiura

Nothing quite shouts out life like the birth of new life from the sounds of a cradle. This represents what all life was like in the beginning.

Creation: "Believing in Justice" From Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Ost

Composer: Yuki Kajiura

Despite the title of the song sounding like it would fit better with the justice theme. I think this is also a good fit for Creation. It seems to represent a new warrior emerging for the 1st time ever from being created. When I think about this song separately from the source material it comes from. I think it would also make a great theme for creating new planets, galaxies, and cities.

That concludes my list of Music I think fits these Light Themes. It is now your turn to think about these themes and think about the 1st few songs that come to mind when you see what these themes are.

If you're more interested in thinking about music with Dark and Negative feelings behind it, a sister thread exists here
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Yes! My favorite kind of OST's honestly. :D

Time to start write out the ones I remember for now:
Too much to add comments to each vid, just enjoy if you havn't heard of them yet. :p
^as chaotic as it may sounds at the begin, it starts so hopeful after 1:53
^Both intro and main theme fits.
(^Especially during Mother Brain's fight)
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