Other Literature My PFQ lore!


Headless Horseman
ok so i have come up with a lot of lore on pokefarm, and i will now organize it here!
So when Winteria(the trainer) was a kid, and Deci was just a Rowlet, they were best friends until Deci was stolen by Team Skull. Winteria got Deci back, and decided to start training to prevent something like that from ever happening again.
Nothing right now, will update this eventually
Nothing right now, will update this eventually
Nothing right now, will update this eventually
Winteria and Deci were exploring a junkyard, and they found the remains of a destroyed shiny Magearna. They took the parts, reassembled it, and Maggie was born!
I will update this when I feel like it, please don't force me to do so
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