PC My Razer keyboard's RGB doesn't have the Terraria RGB support.


I have installed Razer Synapse, and have Chroma Connect as well as Chroma Studio. Razer RGB is set to true in the config.
Please start the game with the "-logfile" option and then upload the log file from the install directory
Error Logging Enabled.
Resolution changed to: 3440x1440.
Razer Chroma not supported: System.NullReferenceException: 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。
在 ReLogic.Peripherals.RGB.Razer.RazerDeviceGroup.Initialize()
Razer Chroma unitialized.
My best guess would be that your config.json does not contain proper color profiles ("RazerColorProfile" in your case). You can try deleting that property and letting the game populate it with its default value.
My best guess would be that your config.json does not contain proper color profiles ("RazerColorProfile" in your case). You can try deleting that property and letting the game populate it with its default value.
Ohhhhhh, I really appreciate your help in solving this problem. It has been bothering me for a long time, and I am finally able to obtain RGB support in the game
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