**REPORTED** Network broadcast storm


Skeletron Prime
The loadouts were not synced properly.

  1. Get a player with all loadout full of items and dyes.
  2. Join a server.
  3. The client is unable to sync the loadouts correctly. Even when everything is synced, it keeps sending all items in the non-active loadouts. This causes a network storm of n^2 where n is the number of mobile players in the server.
  4. The broadcast storm stops if the sender switches to another loadout.
For example, a server with 30 mobile players would cause theoretically ((10 bytes per item slot) * (30 slots per loadout) * (2 non-active loadouts) + (3 bytes "inventory sent notification", packet 138)) * (60 frames per second) * (30 players) * (29 players except themselves), which is 250 megabits per second.
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Thanks for the report - would I be able to request access to both the server experiencing this issue, as well as any player files you've joined with? If you'd prefer not to share it publicly, feel free to DM it to me either on forums or over Discord (Nescre#8044).
Thanks for the offer, I've sent you a friend request under the same name I use here to help with debugging.
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