Working as Designed Splitscreen not working on Nintendo Switch


I want to play two-player splitscreen mode with my sister, but it doesn't seem to work on Switch. I have searched many related articles and videos, all of which don't cover my issue. The operation method looks very simple.
  1. Player One should start up a Single Player game - choose their character and the world on which you want to play
  2. Once the game has loaded completely, Player Two should pick up their controller and press the A button
  3. This will bring up the User Account Selection Menu - Player Two then selects their Switch User Account
  4. Upon selecting their account, Player Two will be able to select any Character files tied to that account (or create a new one if they do not have any)
  5. Once Player Two picks their Character, they will load into the game... and off you and your buddy go on your Splitscreen Terraria adventures!
I successfully chose the character and world of the first player. The issue occurs when I get to step 2. When the world is fully loaded and the first player is in the game, I turn on the second controller and press A to join as a second player. Nothing happens, even when I press all other buttons. The first time my sister and I played the game, splitscreen worked completely fine as demonstrated. However, upon closing the software and playing it the next day, this bug occurred. I know the controller is on and connected, as it can operate in the Nintendo Switch homescreen, but the User Selection Screen doesn't appear when I hit A. I have tried many things, such as reinstalling the software, trying different controllers, and many other things but nothing seems to work. I purchased this game 3 days ago, and it is unfortunate it has already broken. The game is on the latest version and singleplayer works normally except splitscreen. Please resolve this issue, as it is impossible to play multiplayer now.

Thank you very much.
Sorry for being incredibly late, but In my experience split screen works by pressing +. All of the guides say A, which is very misleading, but I use plus and it works.
Hopefully it works for you too.
Thanks for the report - like mentioned above, the '+' button is what is used to activate splitscreen. That said, I'll bring up adding other buttons to this list with the team.
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