Game Mechanics The Constant crossover seed and big problem of food availability early on.


The Destroyer
It's extremely borderline unfairly difficult to get food early on in The Constant seed.
Hunger drains way too fast and Fruits are the ONLY source of food you can get in your first day.

However the drop chance of fruits falling from trees is WAY too low so if you die or live on your first day is purely luck based. Finding bait in chests for your fishing rod is also luck based and you don't have much time before your first death as i pointed out.

And those who somehow speedrun merchant and cooking pot in less that 1 ingame day ... Please teach me your divine magic.

In actual Don't Starve Together at least you get some easy to find starter food that doesn't have extremely low drop chance.

Solution suggestion:
What would easily solve this is greatly increasing % for fruit to drop from trees for this seed.
(Optional make mushroom count as food source , they do in DST)
Catch animals with the net and cook them. A chest with some food in the starter zone or inventory would be a good start to give you some time to collect food.
You can make food with bunnies. Bunny Stew is pretty good, too. Well fed for 10 minutes for catching a bunny. Requires a cooking pot and net, though.

Squirrels, birds, and frogs can also be made into food, with the same requirements, buff, and buff time as bunnies. Frogs seem to be even more common than forest critters, but in the jungle.
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