Story The Terrarian Summoner


In the beginning, when the Galaxy was born It was beautiful, peaceful - filled with harmony. It resembled a massive core, with millions of planets orbiting it, which were home to many species. As in every story, bad things are said to happen. Some of the nations had the ability to control magic, others - to be one with nature, allowing them to live for centuries, and the others... greed and jealousy corrupted their hearts. Filled with the need to obtain the power of magic and nature. To prove that they are worthy, that none is superior.

The once peaceful Galaxy of harmony and light was now a battlefield. The tainted nations' hearts through time escalated into something none could have ever foreseen. They became the physical embodiment of corruption, rendering their forms into nightmarish horrors, giving them the ability to merge into a tyrant being today known as the Moon Lord.

---- 1. Prologue - The War before Time -----

While the fires of war burned throughout the universe, most worlds chose sides almost immediately, others stayed neutral. Terraria was one of the neutral worlds. Being far from the center of the Galaxy, thinking that the war would get to the terrarians. They were right. For now.

As the war waged and decades passed, the negative energies that were emitted took the toll on the Galaxy core, making it unstable causing cataclysm after cataclysm, cluster after cluster of worlds, rays of astral energies ravaging planets and their inhabitants. But the war did not stop. The core energies became corrupt, thus exploding into millions of particles of dust and magic, releasing the five primal Essences of Creation - Hallow and the four Fragments, emitting overwhelming power attracting eyes of interest. Even those, which they shouldn't.

The Moon Lord is a terrible being. Unstoppable. Falling thousands of the heroes before him. Conquering worlds all by himself alone. Now that the war had a new factor at play, his new goal was gaining the Essences of Creation. Each essence was a cluster of souls of great power, too powerful for one being to handle them alone. Not in their Primal state. Slowly but surely the corruption was winning the war, taking sectors at once. The Moon Lord tried to seal all of the essences, twisting them into towers of flesh, now being able to harness their power, except the hallow. It denied the defiled nature of the Corruption. Escaping - seeking a hope for the Galaxy and the universe itself.

----- 2. Prologue Part 2: The Rise of the Terrarian Summoner -----

Terrarians knew the War was close to them and measures must be taken. They were simple humans, they did not possess magic nor they lived for centuries. The idea of the horrors awaiting them at their doorstep was terrifying. All of their greatest warriors were sent to other worlds helping with the defense of the last standing worlds against the coming darkness.

One of the warriors was a girl barely old to be called mature. Her name was Haybell. She wasn't the best warrior, but she was quick and witty. Her hairs were long and white as snow, her presence somewhat aristocratic with cold purple eyes staring down on the battlefield. Armed with an old sword and shield she went on her last battle. Flying beasts with sharp pincers for mouths were flying in swarms, falling soldier after soldier, tearing the lines of the army of Good. When the archers blackened the sky with arrows, banishing the evil, it seemed the battle could be won. Tremors were felt under their feet. The groud started shaking and glowing in green. Worm-like creatures have emerged, spitting green flames, creating rivers of magma. Each worm was as long as a castle. Haybell fighting to her last breath has fallen. Overwhelmed by the swarm. Last thing she saw was a searing light.

When she opened her eyes she wasn't on the planet anymore. There were stars all around her. Changing places rapidly, blinking in different lights almost like they were playing with one another.
"I'm not dead?" - the first thing to come to her mind.
-You are not. - Echoed a misterious child's voice. - We saved you.
-Who are you?
-We are everywhere around you. We are the souls of light. We are Hallow.
-Why did you save me?
-You have the eyes of Hallow. We need you as a host for our powers. We are the energies of Light, and we were much more. Only eleven remain of us now. We need som...
-What do you mean "host"?! - Haybell snapped. - What? You are going to take controll over me?
-No you silly, some call us souls, others call us spirits. What we - the Hallow spirits do is that we take different forms for battle. We need someone that can be trained into channeling our powers. That someone is you.

Thus began the training of Haybell. Becoming a summoner and partly a mage. The Hallow spirits taught her the use magic and mana. Forging her armor of living space. Magic entered her blood and soul. Losing what she once was. Purified. Her skin emitting yellow star light and her eyes - leaving a purple trail where she looked.

----- Prologue Part 3: The Fall of the Good and Evil -----

Several years have passed since her traning began. When she went back come she was welcomed by a sight one wouldn't wish even an enemy. Terraria is burning. The Moon Lord destroying town after town and the people evacuating underground with corruptors and feeder of worlds chasing after them. The moon and sky are red, blood magic raising the fallen into mindles zombies. The day mankind was doomed. Rage and fury filled Haybell's heart unleashing the Hallow spirits on the battle field each with a signature form unseen until now. The Moon Lord during the war isn't like post-war. He is whole. Arms, body, legs and a head, completely armored from head to toe. Magic that outstrips his post-war variant.

Haybell and the Moon Lord faught for three days unleashing spell after spell on one another. The minions warned Haybell that she was at her limits and extreme measures must be taken. During her training in Summoning and Maginc she was taught a last chance scenario if everything else fails but a high cost.
"There is no other way.."
"We need to kill him, or everything is lost.."
The ritual for the spell was in motion.
All of her minions turned into wyverns with binding magic glowing from their teeth, biting and keeping in place the Moon Lord. As the spell was charged. Every one of them startet disappearing, turning into dust, channeled into an orb of power infront their student. The magic in her armor was also fading and her mind getting numb. The cost - losing all magic capabilities.
As her last taughts passed trough her head and tears on her face, a beam of light errupted from her hands with superspeed velocity, hitting the Moon Lord - breaking his armor and tearing him in half.
The world was in ruin, Haybell was went unconcious, contained in a magic shell made by the last one of the Hallows before dispercing to the void.

----- End of Prologue -----

Hope you enjoyed it guys. I have never done something like this. I know there are a lot of plot holes and flaws but.. I'll try to correct them in the future.
this is actually pretty decent, fix it up a bit and I would read it, also as a devout follower of the moon lord I advise you read one of my favorites to change your though on his impending doom, "the lamentation of the moon lord" by Derunih (shameless advertising for a good story), good writing keep it up
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