PS4 Wall of Flesh won't spawn again.


So what I did was throw the voodoo doll in the lava in Hell. The guide died. The wall spawned. I did not win and I died. I waited till my guide respawned and tried again. This time it said my guide has died, as expected, but no wall of flesh! Here is what I have tried.

1. Make sure the guide is alive.
2. Make sure the wallow of flesh reached the other side.
3. Tried several times.
4. Tried different lava pits.
5. Made a walk way front one end of hell to the other to make sure he wasn't lurking somewhere.
6. Tried it AGAIN on a NEW world I created. Just dug a straight line to hell, threw in the doll (keep in mind this was a brand new world).
7. Tried 3 different characters throwing it into the lava.
8. Created a new character and tried that in my main world.
9. Restarted my PS4 several times.
10. Restarted the game several times.

What else should I try? Seems like my who game data on my PS4 is bugged out?
Here is what I did to fix it.

1. Log out the game. Such as go to the main menu on PS4 and select close game.
2. Pick another map to get the dolls from aka a brand new map.
3. Go back to my main map.
4. Find a location FAR FAR away from where I used my first voodoo doll aka 1k blocks at least farther away.
5. Waited for 2 Terraria days to pass.
6. MOVED my guide to another room.
7. Go to my new lava location and dropped the doll.
8. HE SPAWNED! However he went from left to right instead of right to left.

Restarting the PS4 didn't work because it put it in sleep mode, where as I thought it was powered off. I had to literally go to Terraria and go to options and Quit Game.

Hope this helps the PS4 players!
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