
Lol, I can't get any satisfaction from the pumpkin moon and the frost moon, my arena is way to slow and the tutorials on building faster traps is outdated or the Vita needs an update, well I can only get to wave 7 on pumpkin moon, hope everyone else is having a better run and since the more items in the world the lagging gets worse when I activate the arena .
Lol, I can't get any satisfaction from the pumpkin moon and the frost moon, my arena is way to slow and the tutorials on building faster traps is outdated or the Vita needs an update, well I can only get to wave 7 on pumpkin moon, hope everyone else is having a better run and since the more items in the world the lagging gets worse when I activate the arena .
The sad fact is that Vita has limited RAM so yeah you're going to see lag with excessive traps and such. Maybe dart and spear traps will cause less lag than spiky ball/flame?
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