PC Ye Olde Barks


Oops... Lemme get the lights- Why hello there! How are you, cliche start I know... Im trying so just stick with me here anyways, lets spice things up a bit...

They call me 'Ye olde Barks' but you may call me 'Barks' or 'Agent', I always knew there was a game called Terraria but I never had the opportunity to buy it but one day...

"THATS IT, this game is too amazing i need it..." and so I bought it... Well that escalated quickly BUT that was when i found this wonderful game and i fell in love with it, i have been in many forums where i left and i joined but im up for a fresh start, so hello I am AgentBarks and im ready to join a community and get this thing started so see you guys in the future!

Love - The new guy (aka Barks)
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