iDuck's Banner Workshop

I request a banner for an RP. It is called the Four Warriors and the banner has to have one type of each type of weapon (summoner, Melee, Magic and Ranged) on it and the words "The Four Warriors". Take your time.

Enjoy! :) I tried to pick the most iconic weapons from each group.
You are one awesome banner maker! Can you make a banner for my Glowstick Furniture Pls?
Glowstick Furniture.png

I hope you like it! :)
Hello sir! I am here to give you a request, if you don't mind. This monstrosity is my failure of a banner:

I would like to see a much better version of this, with much better looking sprites and this stuff included:
Sprites to include:
Make this thing be in the middle (as shown above):
Red should have this on his back (also as shown above):
Finally, have Cynx hold this spellbook plz

Link to thread:

What I want it to say (in the same fonts (yes, they both have different fonts) and color plz):
Never Realm
By DarkAwesome

Size: 640 x 374 (that's the size of the background I created)
If you really want to do this (THANK YOU!), then I can give you a background. I just need a bit of time.

EDIT: Here ya go, a better looking background than what I attempted lol:

Suggestion from someone who sucks at banner-making: Sorta like what I attempted, you should make Red and Cynx gigantic and add some transparency to them. That way, it will look pretty awesome!
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I'd definitely be able to improve it! There's just a few things. :)
much better looking sprites
I can try! Spriting's not really my thing, but I might be able to improve them! ;)
Size: 640 x 374 (that's the size of the background I created)
I can always change the background size if you want. By the way, Terraria Community Forums shortens all pictures in signatures to 150 pixels unless in a spoiler, so just think about that!
Red should have this on his back . . . Finally, have Cynx hold this spellbook
Are you sure you want this? :rolleyes: I could get different characters, as it might be tacky, kind of saying that the developers approve of your mod.

EDIT: Do you want it to say "I escaped the realm of Never" like in your avatar? I might be able to do that.
By the way, Terraria Community Forums shortens all pictures in signatures to 150 pixels unless in a spoiler, so just think about that!
Hmm... Thanks for that info! That's actually very good to know.
Are you sure you want this? :rolleyes: I could get different characters, as it might be tacky, kind of saying that the developers approve of your mod.
I guess it does seem that way, but that's how the story goes. Basically, there's a warrior named Red who discovered some souls he's never seen before (Souls of Sight, Might, Flight, and Fright). Cynx was a spy for the Souls of Light and Night, so she took control of the Army of Souls and tried to take the Souls of Sight, Might, etc. back before Red used them for evil. But it was too late... Anyway! It does seem tacky, but I want you to do it por favor.
Do you want it to say "I escaped the realm of Never" like in your avatar? I might be able to do that.
Well, if it's possible, you certainly can! Good idea! Again, thank you for offering to do this. It would take forever for me to do this.
Hmm... Thanks for that info! That's actually very good to know.
So would you like a different size? Or just keep the one you requested?
I guess it does seem that way, but that's how the story goes. Basically, there's a warrior named Red who discovered some souls he's never seen before (Souls of Sight, Might, Flight, and Fright). Cynx was a spy for the Souls of Light and Night, so she took control of the Army of Souls and tried to take the Souls of Sight, Might, etc. back before Red used them for evil. But it was too late... Anyway! It does seem tacky, but I want you to do it por favor.
Ahh, so you weren't talking about the developers Redigit and Cenx. They just have the same names. ;)
Well, if it's possible, you certainly can! Good idea! Again, thank you for offering to do this. It would take forever for me to do this.
Most certainly! :D
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