Morals from Video Games

Persona 4 - Everybody has a side of them they don't want to admit they have. But that is alright. And you can even accept that side as part of yourself. And friendships are a crutial part of life, and true bonds can get you through anything.
Pokémon in general: Kids can do big things. It isn't always brute force that wins the battle. Adventuring is fun. Always return to your mom every once in a while. Keep your friends close.

LoZ: Again, it can be anybody that does big things. Music is awesome and influential.

I can't even think of all the things gaming has taught me, without video gaming I'd be an entirely different person. I know it sounds cheesy, but sometimes my only friends are the Pokémon by my side or my Animal Crossing neighbors. I've taken much time analyzing dialogue and themes presented in games, and although I can't replicate them in words I know for certain they are embedded in my head.
The Last Of Us: Even when your basically living through hell, you could still find friends.
Dead Space: If you see a glowing rock, walk away. Just don't even ask what it is, just walk away and pretend you never saw it.
Don't kill chickens, it's considered murder - Skyrim.
That makes me think of the chikens in Zelda which would kill you if you bothered them too much.
Didn't really think about it until today, but that represents well Confucius' "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you".
That makes me think of the chikens in Zelda which would kill you if you bothered them too much.
Didn't really think about it until today, but that represents well Confucius' "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you".
Two different things my friend, two different things.

Carry on everyone.
All those happy, nice morals I see... Time to balance it out.

The Telltale Games sagas (The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us,) has taught me that no matter what you do, your future's already been decided for you, all you can choose is who will like you and who will hate you along the way. //Moral deflation FTW.

Grand Theft Auto/Saints Row/Pay Day: Criminals are cool, and they always get what they want from the rabble. Deal with it.

Half Life saga: At the end of a path of redemption and heroism lies a huge disappointment, which will affect those you care about negatively. Don't try to be a hero, you'll just fail and get people killed.

Borderlands saga: :red: morals, I have a gun that shoots rockets that shoot rockets that explode into a cloud of electricity. Aesop that, scrubs. :dryadcool:
Actually, here's another MOTHER 3 one:
MOTHER 3 - Avenging lost loved ones doesn't bring them back from the dead.
Runescape: Death is permanent. Don't risk your life.
TF2: Two words can become something bigger than the game itself.
Dragon Quest IX: You may have been an angel, but it's just a dream. Some lightning storm is going to corrupt your teacher's teacher, and as a result weather can end a generation. (Just make sure that you look out for a golden train, you might be welcome to kill the corrupt bastard again)
Civilisation: Even the kindest of hearts can turn on you. Bloody Ghandi.
Portal 2: Never take people for granted, even if they are constantly trying to murder you. I take it all back, Ghandi!
Mario- some men are so stupid they will go to pretty much all extremes to save the girl they have a crush on. And the stereotypical pretty girlfriend is always getting kidnapped.

I honestly have no idea why some parents let their kids play that game.
The Fallout series ( More specifically but not limited to: Fallout 3 and New Vegas ) and it's random encounters, whether dangerous or not ( usually the former )
And to an extent, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Risk of Rain, Rouge Legacy and Magicite:
Things are going to happen, and when things happen, you're gonna have to deal with them, and sometimes, the best solution just so happens to be to just walk away.
The Binding of Isaac - Religion can be a cruel thing.
There's actually a lot more to TBoI than that, and it kind of makes me sad when people miss the deeper meanings. The transcendental moral - well there's a lot.
No matter how far you push reality away, it's always possible to return. (That's a theme of a lot of Edmund's games, actually.)
Your soul is never too dark to be redeemed.
(There are more, but my memory ain't the best, and it's been a while.)
Magicite taught me that random bad luck can screw you up at any time. (I'm looking at you, Perycl triplets.)
Doubt if I've learned any morals from video games, nor would I want a game attempt to teach me any. What morals games have themselves are interesting though.

In Dark Souls combat isn't about the good guy vs the bad guy. More often than not you have to fight for honour, even if it means killing opponents you really respect (Solaire/Gwyn) or even love (Sif dawgy). It's tragic but deep. I sad. gg gg
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