Official New 1.3 Spoilers: Enhancing the User Interface

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with the new team, I think they should be named after the gemstones (Red=ruby, blue=sapphire, green=emerald, Yellow=Topaz, Pink=Amethyst, Neural=Diamond) As I thought they were when I saw the icons...

Edit: The icon for the pink team looks more violet or magenta than pink in my opinion.
So many amazing additions! I love everything about this! I cannot thank you all enough for all your hard work. Keep at it!
Everyone seems to think that tree is just a painted snow tree. But last time I checked, snow trees didn't have leaves...

So it comes to this . . .


If that doesn't convince people, I don't know what will!
Oh well, I acknowledge my mistake. Never seen leafy boreal trees and didn't notice paint traces on branches and tree top on spoiler screenshot.
This is very cool. I cant wait for the marble to come out. Also, can anyone tell me what the orange grass is? It looks like its painted but idk
I was just in my bed and I thought to myself I sense spoilers
EDIT I sorta want followers in terraria you know a not a minon like a human who would follow you and fight with you and even is sworn to carry your burdens a little refrence right there
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