tModLoader The Luggage (the loot slave pet)

Now that's a convienient mod. I like the idea. But if it was me, i would make that pet a little bit harder to obtain, aaand change the look of it, so we won't confuse them with actual mimic.
Can you make The Luggage fly? Right now he just stands still if you fly away, and after a certain distance teleports to your location.
Only for me the pet hangs on the walls and stay in one place and only when i go out the place he teleports to me? Aand... he not taking all loot, sometimes he stay in a place and ignore the loot :(
Jopo there is a small bug when this is combined with your cavestory mod. The luggage picks up the misc experience triangles and because is seems to skip the onpickup check they fill up your inventory.

P.S. I don't know how to code, so my analysis of the reason for this may be incorrect.
P.P.S. my knowledge of coding terminology is from watching the forum.
P.P.P.S. Happy to help with problem identification and Love the Luggage
I have a suggestion, for the summoning item can it be a wooden key with the same sprite as a golden key? And can it be called the gnawed key?
The shape and colour of the current sprite sort of bothers me :(
There should be some sort of modification to The Luggage (maybe a separate item?) that makes The Luggage deposit all its items into a chest. This could be useful for events or farming
Thinking of updating this to 0.7.1? I would love to download it, but I cannot get earlier versions of the launcher working ;-;
Thinking of updating this to 0.7.1? I would love to download it, but I cannot get earlier versions of the launcher working ;-;
I just checked and it still works with the latest tmodloader. I edited the OP to reflect that.

i really like the idea of the mod. is smart and is a useful pet... i only have 1 problem.. and that is the Sprite work.

i don't like how it looks. i would like more the Mimic texture. i found it way more cute than this sprite work... wich seems to only have like 3 frames...
I had it use the mimic sprite (4 frames), but someone sent me this sprite, I can't really decide yet.
i think it's cool when there is a flying (HARDMODE)and some other stuff like magnet...)version... because the monstersouls from Erision are a big problem
There's a few complaints I have with the Mimic, and admittedly they could be seen as minor but I'm gonna bring em up right now.

1: No vertical movement, not even a jump? This is the same issue I have with the Pirate minion, where it gets stuck single-minded on the task and stuck unmoving in the geometry. Giving it at least a light jump capability, like matching the mimic, would be useful.

2: Similarly a fast-catchup capability would be good, though maybe with expanded range over standard minions? Only time I saw him catch up was when I used a magic mirror.

Still, the idea is good, just not fully fleshed out. Keeping it in my box though for now.
I was playing with luggage alot, and i have to say.. It's only partialy convienient. If you are in cave, it's usless, because it cannot fly. Maybe an upgrade or change of ai? If you would decide for an upgrade, it would be fun if you can craft some means of flying, and that you would be able to choose. Like you tike odd key and some parts, and you can choose to create winged key, or rocket key, or magic key, or even some kind of the force repulsor key.
I was playing with luggage alot, and i have to say.. It's only partialy convienient. If you are in cave, it's usless, because it cannot fly. Maybe an upgrade or change of ai? If you would decide for an upgrade, it would be fun if you can craft some means of flying, and that you would be able to choose. Like you tike odd key and some parts, and you can choose to create winged key, or rocket key, or magic key, or even some kind of the force repulsor key.
Yeah, my mistake was basing off the one pet that doesn't fly, the Baby Truffle. Hopefully I find time to fix some things with this mod someday.
Man this mod is pretty neat. But yeah,as people said,its pretty useless in most situations since it can't fly. When are you going to add flight to it? (if you will,I mean :p)
Using the item doesn't actually give you a buff, it just summons the luggage.
He basically disappears after some time.
I would suggest to make him use the mimic walk animation (as the current one is awful) and be capable of going through walls, maybe in a crimson/corruption/hallow mimic dash manner.