Standalone [1.3] tModLoader - A Modding API

Yeah that fixed it, but now I get this error about the zoneMeteor tag on my accessory:

c:\Users\Name\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\OxysMod\Items\MeteoriteJar.cs(33,14) : error CS1061: 'Terraria.Player' does not contain a definition for 'zoneMeteor' and no extension method 'zoneMeteor' accepting a first argument of type 'Terraria.Player' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace OxysMod.Items
public class MeteoriteJar : ModItem
public override bool Autoload(ref string name, ref string texture, IList<EquipType> equips)
return true;

public override void SetDefaults()
{ = "Meteor In A Jar";
item.width = 24;
item.height = 28;
item.toolTip = "Wearing this may attract unwanted attention";
item.value = 10000;
item.rare = 5;
item.accessory = true;


public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)


player.zoneMeteor = true;

public override void AddRecipes()
ModRecipe recipe = new ModRecipe(mod);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Meteorite, 500);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.SoulofNight, 5);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.SoulofFright, 5);
zoneMeteor -> ZoneMeteor
I've had a similar problem in the past, and found that alt+tabing to desktop, then returning to the game solves the problem.
This isn't the actually problem. You have to switch Frame Skipping (In the Video Options on the Main Menu) to "Yes". This happens when it is on "Subtle" or "No". I had this problem before and was helped on this thread. It is most likely because you are unable to run tModLoader and your mods at the "recommended" FPS, so by enabling Frame Skipping, it skips the frames that would cause it to lag or run in Slow-Mo.
not really, is bothersome that people that cant wait begin to annoy the devs or people on the forums and begin to fill the pages with the same similar posts over and over because they dont have anything better to do, and if the update comes the devs from each mod they must update their mods and this add 1 or 2 days because its probably that some mods need to be updated and the devs are people too having something called "real life" and probably this is forbbiden to say but pokemon su and moon is taking people lives and im not surprised if one of them likes the franchise. what im saying there are other games that people can play and pass the time on my case it took me 5 days to complete vainilla on1.3.4.3 and i have school too and my previous comment wasnt to be considered too seriously sorry about that.
Mine wasn't supposed to be considered serious either... sorry if it seemed that way xD
[doublepost=1480551849,1480551604][/doublepost]Also, I have a few questions.
1. Is there a way to access the Terraria source code? So I can copy paste Ali and code?
2. Do you have/know any resources to help me understand code and help me write it?
decompile with ilspy.

Understanding code comes with practice and experience, but here or even better on the discord chat are good options if you need help understanding something.
decompile with ilspy.

Understanding code comes with practice and experience, but here or even better on the discord chat are good options if you need help understanding something.
Thank you! I'll check it out.
Umm, what do you mean with decompile with ilspy? Is that a downloadable program ?
Um. Hello, I'm wondering, any estimated release date for the next update? I'm not asking for it to come out, but any date for it to be expected?
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