Game Mechanics Special Animations for Status Messages


Skeletron Prime
So we have these nifty status messages that show up in the chat when something happens in the world. These are pretty cool on their own, especially the more cryptic ones like "You feel an evil presence watching you..." or "Impending doom approaches." What if the more cryptic messages came with some kind of visual or audial effect to accompany them?

"You feel an evil presence watching you..."
A silhouette of the Eye of Cthulhu appears to fly across the background, from the left side of the screen to the right, or vice versa. Every few seconds, the silhouette crosses the background in the opposite direction, appearing to grow closer with each pass until the boss spawns.

"You feel vibrations from deep below...."
This one is pretty obvious. The screen appears to shake for a few seconds at a time, with a short period of stillness in between vibrations.

"This is going to be a terrible night..."
This is probably the least descriptive of all the summoning messages, so we have a lot of freedom with this one. There are few things that represent imminent doom and destruction like the sound of a nuclear siren, so for the Twins, a terrifying siren sound effect will play for the duration of the pre-spawning period, with short periods of silence.

"You feel the air getting colder around you"
A translucent, static-y overlay appears on the screen, alongside the sound of white noise. This effect fades occasionally for short periods of time.

"A horrible chill runs down your spine..."
"Screams echo around you..."

A spooky ambient sound effect plays.

"The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released."
This effect occurs upon the death of the Wall of Flesh, continuing until the player leaves the underworld. Particle effects, resembling souls of light and night, appear to float up from the bottom of the screen at a rate of around two spawning onscreen per second, moving rather quickly. They fade out once they reach the roof of the underworld.

"Your mind goes numb…"
"You are overwhelmed with pain…"
"Otherworldly voices linger around you…"
"Impending doom approaches…"

With the defeat of each pillar, a silhouette of the Moon Lord's head briefly flashes onscreen. As more of the pillars are defeated, the image gradually zooms in a little closer each time it shows up. This provides a little "teaser" to the final boss, without showing too much and ruining the surprise for new players.

Some new ones:

"Skeletron has awoken!"
Skeletron is the only boss that spawns onscreen, so it kind of bothers me that it kind of just... pops into existence. Upon summoning the curse, the Old Man begins to glow with a red aura, and starts spinning head over heels, similar to a Dungeon Guardian. After a few rotations, the Old Man explodes into gibs, spawning Skeletron.

"A meteorite has landed!"
A minor screen shake, along with a distant-sounding explosion sound effect.

"Your world has been blessed with [ore name]!"

Pretty minor, but upon breaking an altar, the screen briefly gains a vignette with the color of whatever ore the world was blessed with. So blue for cobalt, green for mythril, etc.
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this would be really cool and i dont have much else to say other than you should include some more stuff for the other "text" events.
For the Pillar messages, I have a few suggestions.
The screen could get black blurs around the rim and tilt the letterbox, moreso with each defeat.
It would be nice, but just imagining it by the text seems enough for it.
It depends on how much time is needed to add this small details, although the text itself covers the mood enough for me.
It would be nice, but just imagining it by the text seems enough for it.
It depends on how much time is needed to add this small details, although the text itself covers the mood enough for me.

Oh I definitely agree that we don't really need this. My main motivation for this suggestion was pretty much "that would be kinda cool."
:joy:I LOVE IT!
These little details would add so much!

One thing I don't agree with though, the nuclear siren. I rather there be a... like moving through nature sound EoC, and a strong wind sound effect for the twins.
I just don't like the siren, its too unnatural. The suggestions I made came from the top of my head, so there are better ideas for it.
:joy:I LOVE IT!
These little details would add so much!

One thing I don't agree with though, the nuclear siren. I rather there be a... like moving through nature sound EoC, and a strong wind sound effect for the twins.
I just don't like the siren, its too unnatural. The suggestions I made came from the top of my head, so there are better ideas for it.
The main reason I chose the siren effect for the Twins was because they're meant to be inherently unnatural. Everything prior to the mech bosses kind of "blends" into to natural world. We don't have enemies walking around with guns or flying around in helicopters like we do in hardmode. The siren was meant to signify that the Twins were not created by nature, but rather, artificially. This was intended to sort of signify that, by jarring players with an inorganic sound when everything else blended in.

I might be rambling though, so I'll try to find something else if it catches too much disapproval.
The main reason I chose the siren effect for the Twins was because they're meant to be inherently unnatural. Everything prior to the mech bosses kind of "blends" into to natural world. We don't have enemies walking around with guns or flying around in helicopters like we do in hardmode. The siren was meant to signify that the Twins were not created by nature, but rather, artificially. This was intended to sort of signify that, by jarring players with an inorganic sound when everything else blended in.

I might be rambling though, so I'll try to find something else if it catches too much disapproval.
I see your point, but a siren?
I agree with the inorganic sound, but a siren is annoying. It wouldn't fit in Terraria, not even a mech boss.
(scratch that, it would be good for moonlord)
A siren signifies imminent death, like the moonlord. Having it for a non-final boss wouldn't be fitting in my opinion.
I see your point, but a siren?
I agree with the inorganic sound, but a siren is annoying. It wouldn't fit in Terraria, not even a mech boss.
(scratch that, it would be good for moonlord)
A siren signifies imminent death, like the moonlord. Having it for a non-final boss wouldn't be fitting in my opinion.
I get where you're coming from. I am open to suggestions, since I can't think of anything right now (or at least anything I have example audio for).
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