Forum Fight: Reb00t [Now with more Destroy the Godmodder!]

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Alamandra Vonn Pravus

Dungeon Spirit
Oh hi there. PLEASE STAY AWHILE. I INSIST. You probably have stumbled across this as an accident, but I assure you, stay for awhile. Eat a few of our delicious biscuits with jam and tea. Can I interest you in a crumpet? Or my jacuzzi? Please, stay awhile. Read this post, and please play.

or i’ll kill you

In, November, 2015, a very odd thing happened. Across the world, leaders and large political figures of countries, territories, and states all collapsed. One face planted into a bowl of scathing hot soup, one tumbled over a railing, and one even collapsed into the path of a rather fast moving taxi. Ambulances race to the site only to shake heads. All of them were dead. There was no explanation, no evidence of any foul play. A logical explanation would be a heart attack, but all at the same time? Coordinated body shut downs? How could that happen? While strange, there was no explanation for it. It could not be explained, as if it was caused by magic. A few days later after that incident, there was a coup in the United Kingdom. Across the world, other countries followed suit, and by the time 24 hours were over, almost every country had been overthrown. However, a few remained unharmed, and actually flourished, even though there was a lack of other countries to trade to and the fact that depression was quickly taking over other countries along with the coup members. England seemed to be benefiting the most, oddly, as the Queen had been dethroned. However, the reason for the prosperity was soon discovered: The Rothschild family was in charge now.

A few weeks later, the strong smell of tea fills a room, and the smell reveals to us it is breakfast. The tea is English Breakfast, the meal is toast with marmalade, bangers and rashers, and the person eating this meal is James Astoria. For the Rothschild, James Astoria is a good friend. He tells them what to do, they do it, and they get money. A good deal. However, they are blissfully unaware of how they are totally his puppet and that the strings attached to them are unbreakable. He controls every action of them. The Rothschild family was part of a larger plot. They have even more profit now, but they are only supporting a much larger evil group. Who is this evil group you ask? The League of Royalty. But of course, in a few months, the League of Royalty would be controlled by another group, and that source would be controlled by another group, and it would all lead back to James, elegantly clad in a snow white suit. Little did James know that he had a massive target sign on his back, ever since he stole a rather special vintage typing device from a cue ball headed man who ran a gang involving a educated game involving smacking different colored balls with sticks.

A year passes. Burger King sat at the head of a grand table, made out of a now extinct tree. Money can buy great things. He, as the leader of the League of Royalty, had almost unlimited cash in hand. The recent death of Ronald MC The Donald certainly had helped. But there was something missing. The plans were going fine, the resistance was being quashed, he had boatloads of backers and allies, but he was missing something. Entertainment. So on the fateful day, he called together the League of Royalty, booted up the interdimensional character summoner, and began talking about his plan. His plan to build a great arena, and have many come from far and wide, varying in power and strength, speed and skill, and have them fight to the death in a battle royale. Glorious gory entertainment. The League of Royalty were supportive of this idea, and a bill was passed. So began the construction of the arena. But little did the League know that this decision had not been made by them. The Illuminati had decided it months ago.

On Mars, the Rad Planet, Bruce Lee had stood up and shoved aside his guards. He wanted to see the plans for it. As the Leader of the Illuminati, he wanted to see how his plans would unfold. Unrolling the blue scroll of paper, a smile slowly spread across his face. This would be wonderful to watch. Rolling up the map, he pulled out a small silver key and unlocked the door to his treasure room. Passing by his many other achievements, Bruce Lee pulled out his mightiest achievement out of a golden bpx: His clone of the book “Genocide for Dummies.” By the end of the game, he would have a lot of fun blowing the whole place up with a shower of hellfire, meteorites, and warheads. Tucking the book under his arm, he marched off to the giant pyramid in the center of his base. The eye on the pyramid slowly blinked as it looked off into the distance, at the blue planet of earth.

Things went smoothly after the plans were seen as pleasing to Bruce Lee. The arena went up surprisingly fast, but a few kinks had to be worked out before. Mainly, who were to fight? Anyone? And so it was decided. Anyone could join, to test their might. In the end, the last one standing would win. But there was always the fear that “What if they broke out?” What if? What if the game was put down by a few party poopers? So security was added. Another year of construction passed by. Layer after layer of death and destruction surrounded the arena. Even Bruce Lee said that it was all but impossible to break out. But there was still that fear. James was unconcerned though. Brushing aside the concerned critics, he decided to go ahead and start the game.

So the portal is booted up. The swirling void has no mercy, and tears away worthy fighters from their homes. They are called to the battlefield. Confused, disoriented- and having the urge, the burning feeling inside them to KILL.

  1. There are two ways to win. A), you kill everyone else, or B) Killing James. Killing James Astoria does require breaking out, which is a tad bit tricky, but I’m sure you can make it past all the layers of security.
  2. You have three posts per turn. One turn is the gap of time between when I quote posts and respond to posts.
  3. Nullposts do not count toward the limit, but you cannot spam nullposts or use them for something totally...stupid. Like randomly saying random things. Nulls are supposed to ask questions, or or to do other game related stuff.

  1. You may join anytime with a character.
  2. You do not need a character app, though a brief description would be helpful for me and for other players.
  3. Your character cannot be overpowered. For example, you cannot be god. Duh.
  4. If a character dies, they will revive after one turn.
  5. Your character has a set health of 20.
  6. Armor can be added to your set health, up to +50 armor. Armor serves as extra hitpoints.
  7. For every post, you must put your player tag, which is the level in bracket (more below), your health, and your name. For example, if my name is catfish and my level is 3 my tag would be [3] 5/20-Catfish.

  1. You may do as many actions as you wish in a post. However, effectiveness will go down for the amount of attacks.
  2. Actions can be any reasonable attack. If it is overpowered like “”Everyone dies except me” it will fail due to arena commands.
  3. You can use a wide range of almost any items in your attacks.
  4. You can also not attack for one of your actions. Walking, talking, anything really.

  1. When attacking another player or a entity, damage will be dealt. When you are attacked, you will be damaged.
  2. Attack damage will be decided by me.
  3. Factors in attack damage is the number of actions in a post, your level, and weather/ terrain, as well as what the attack actually was.
  4. Attacks cannot OHKO players or bosses, but can OHKO hostile entities.

  1. You can spawn entities.
  2. Your entities can be taken control of by James or the other Arena controllers.
  3. Hostile entities will spawn from time to time. They will use the [HOSTILE] tag.
  4. There will be boss entities, which have much higher health and attack then normal entities. They will use the [BOSS] tag.
  5. Entities take x1,000 damage from attacks, based off of the attack DMG to a player.

  1. Terrain and weather can change rapidly over a few turns.
  2. Players and entities can affect weather.
  3. Weather and terrain can have positive and negative effects. In the terrain info, if it will benefit your character, please explicitly state that in your action post.
  4. Weather and terrain can spawn entities.

  1. Clans can be formed.
  2. To have a clan form, players should request “I would like to form a clan with [Other player name(s)]. If the other players agree to the clan, it will be created.
  3. You will have to use a clan tag. The user who wanted to create the clan will name it. Using my earlier example of the player catfish, we will add a clan tag. [GD] [3] 5/20-Catfish
  4. Clan members cannot damage each other.
  5. To leave a clan, you must request “I would like to leave my clan.”


Pages 1-???

Current Terrain: Grassy plain with roughly waist high grass. Beware of death by a thousand grass/paper cuts. A few rolling hills, but nothing too serious. Easy to flood, 50% flood chance next turn. Flammable, but moist. Lightning will ignite grass.

Weather: 85% Humidity, rain next turn. +2 damage to all nautical players and nautical entities.

The game is now open.

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A hostile Death Stalker spawns. It is hostile towards everything, but was not spawned by James.


-Uses large pincers/claws for cutting, jabbing, grabbing and slicing among other things.

-Large glowing stinger is used as both a lure and a weapon. It contains a poisonous liquid in it like any other scorpion. How poisonous is unknown.

-Bone-like plating is close to impossible to cut through. Only specific weapons almost rarely found in the arena can cut through them.

-Very fast and very strong. Can fling a person several hundred feet just with it's tail. Can also withstand lots of damage.
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[My character's abilities/traits]

- May break 4th wall every so often.

- Has three bows - Tsunami, Narcissi and The Hellspawn (all of these are the same, except of different materials - water/grass/fire

- Also, he has 3 guns - Sniper Rifle, Venus Magnum, Fiery Assault Rifle. Each of these has different abilities.

- The character's appearance is also my current avatar.

- Somewhat relying to speed to dodge and accuracy to hit. However, in case he's hit, neck is his weak point, but everything else is protected by armour underneath him.
A hostile Death Stalker spawns. It is hostile towards everything, but was not spawned by James.

-Uses large pincers/claws for cutting, jabbing, grabbing and slicing among other things.

-Large glowing stinger is used as both a lure and a weapon. It contains a poisonous liquid in it like any other scorpion. How poisonous is unknown.

-Bone-like plating is close to impossible to cut through. Only specific weapons almost rarely found in the arena can cut through them.

-Very fast and very strong. Can fling a person several hundred feet just with it's tail. Can also withstand lots of damage.
In another time and place I would wait for more posts, but seeing how this is already on the second page and out of sight, let me do responding now.
Death Stalker spawned! Make sure it isn't taken over by Astoria tho. Oh look! One of it's many eyes is already turning white, be very careful.

James: I see you are having some fun spawning some creatures [full stop]
James: It'd be a shame if someone were to [long pause] take control of it [full stop]
James: However [pause] I am kind and will only partially control it [full stop]
James: After all [pause] you'll need it to fight the new arrivals to the arena [full stop]
James: Ta ta [full stop with excitement]

There is a sharp squeal of feedback as the strange loudspeakers hidden around the arena are turned off. Perhaps they could be of some interest later.
But deep inside James is worried. He's always had problems with creatures like scorpions. They scare him. Even if it is mainly white, his favorite color of utmost adoration, something about those many eyes haunt him. He can't stand them. They stare into his soul. And he can't bring himself to completely control that. Of course, he just lied, so no one knows that he is afraid of scorpions, but...
Pacing back and forth in the control room, James decides to drink a cup of tea to calm his nerves. This is the wrong start to this game.

[My character's abilities/traits]

- May break 4th wall every so often.

- Has three bows - Tsunami, Narcissi and The Hellspawn (all of these are the same, except of different materials - water/grass/fire

- Also, he has 3 guns - Sniper Rifle, Venus Magnum, Fiery Assault Rifle. Each of these has different abilities.

- The character's appearance is also my current avatar.

- Somewhat relying to speed to dodge and accuracy to hit. However, in case he's hit, neck is his weak point, but everything else is protected by armour underneath him.
A fourth wall breaker, eh? Now James has even more of a reason to be worried. This new player may uncover his fear! What to do, what to do...this certainly will be a problem...I know! He'll distract them with a bunch of new playthings for them. The two players are too lonely, all by themselves. James shoves aside one of the operators, and sits down in a swivel chair, before triggering the rain function. Not done there, he types in the commands for a few new watery friends.

James: You all seem very lonely there [full stop]
James: Children who are lonely display bad academic grades [full stop]
James: They also commonly suffer from depression [full stop]
James: I don't want you all to be depressed [pause] so I'll send in some new friends for you [full stop]
James: Oh [pause] and it's raining.

Well there you have it. It's raining . :red:ing hell. Plus, some watery mermaids just spawned, and it's flooding. Just great.

For everyone:
-Win the game! and/or Break the game!


Death Stalker [OptiPri] [Hostile]: 10,000/10,000+ 100. Pincer Strike [Melee] 10 DMG, 50% poison infliction per melee attack. +100 armor.

Mermaid [James] [Hostile]: 2,000/2,000. [|||] Charging Hydro Pump +2 DMG [Flooded Plains]

Mermaid [James] [Hostile]: 2,000/2,000. [
|||] Charging Hydro Pump +2 DMG [Flooded Plains]

Two :red:ing Mermaids, Man!

@OptiPri [1] [OptiPri] 20/20. One Entity [Death Stalker] on field.

@Thartler [1] [Thartler] 20/20. Tsunami / DMG [???] [Water Based] +2 DMG [Flooded Plains] | Narcissi / DMG [???] [Plant Based] | The Hellspawn / DMG [???] [Fire Based] -2 DMG [Flooded Plains] | Sniper Rifle / DMG [???] | Venus Magnum / DMG: [???] [Plant Based] | Fiery Assault Rifle / DMG [???] [Fire Based] -2 DMG [Flooded Plains]

Flooded Plains + Thunderstorm | +2 DMG to all water based entities/weapons/players | -2 damage to all fire based entities/weapons/players
Allows Mermaids to survive. Drain the swamp and they die.

[Enviro] Lightning Strike [||] 5 DMG [x2 for all water based entities and players] | Lightning strikes the ground and water.
[Enviro] Fountain of Youth [Every Turn] | Heals 500/500 health for all water based hostile entities per turn.
[Enviro] Curse of the Dutchman [
|||||] | For every entity killed per entity or person, the Curse of the Dutchman does 500/500 more DMG to the entity and/ro person, starting off at 0 for 0 entities killed. The Curse of the Dutchman applies to entities as well, [Hostile] or not.

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[1] [Thartler] 20/20. Tsunami / DMG [???] [Water Based] +2 DMG [Flooded Plains] | Narcissi / DMG [???] [Plant Based] | The Hellspawn / DMG [???] [Fire Based] -2 DMG [Flooded Plains] | Sniper Rifle / DMG [???] | Venus Magnum / DMG: [???] [Plant Based] | Fiery Assault Rifle / DMG [???] [Fire Based] -2 DMG [Flooded Plains]

"Well, guess Sir Juicebox would kill you anyway... Maybe in some very far future. See?" I start by shooting Venus Magnum at Mermaid. "Grass usually beat Water, why did I not bring my Leaf Blades inside battlegrounds? And seems like the Mermaids are similiar to Pokemon with their Hydro Pumps, heh heh."
[1] [OptiPri] 20/20. One Entity [Death Stalker]

The Death Stalker, a Grimm, generally likes the rain (with whatever cognitive abilities it has). It brings rain and misery and fear. And that attracts Grimm. Crawling around the marshy flooded place, it finds the player. Oh how it reminded the Death Stalker of a Huntsman. Killing of any monster that it sees. Might as well rid this weird place of a pest. This Death Stalker seems... smarter than an average Grimm. With actual cognitive abilities and not attack on sight. So it stays where it is, silent and watching.
[1] [Thartler] 20/20. Tsunami / DMG [???] [Water Based] +2 DMG [Flooded Plains] | Narcissi / DMG [???] [Plant Based] | The Hellspawn / DMG [???] [Fire Based] -2 DMG [Flooded Plains] | Sniper Rifle / DMG [???] | Venus Magnum / DMG: [???] [Plant Based] | Fiery Assault Rifle / DMG [???] [Fire Based] -2 DMG [Flooded Plains]

Well... Time to actually make one entity myself... and... It's somewhat wrong? It has body of Primarina, head of VIKING, and limbs of Servine. However, the armour the combo has, is Monk one. Hmmmmmm... Vikvinarina fits here? "Juicebox, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I did an entity mash-up."

Then, it has abilities of Charizard, Primarina, Servine, access to Light Magic and Swords. Well, but it starts with the flamurous Flamethrower.
Actually, no.
This game is a combination of two games that both belong in the Forum Games section.
And I state in the rules THIS IS NOT A ROLEPLAY.
Furthermore, you didn't null your post.
I... kinda don't care
Just my failed attempt at being funny
I... kinda don't care
Just my failed attempt at being funny
Also, I'm a noob at forums, so what does null mean?
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