IC Corrupted Betrayal - IC

"You're pretty close to hitting me there."
He might bump into Sylbus as she's just laying in the darkness.
“Oh, sorry,” He does run into her, but backs off after that. “Well, I found you!” He seems quite happy about the fact that he found her.
(Underground, I’m in some spooky darkness with the twins! I’m keeping an eye on Hazelnut. Everyone else is in/around a weird underground pyramid of sorts.)
(I don't actually have a set size for them, but they're not too big, so I guess around human size, probably slightly over.)
"You want to see us, don't you?"
"*So what do you think sister?*"
"*Well the cat already knows we're here.*"
"*I suppose it's fine then.*"
Sylbus would alter the darkness enough Hazelnut would be able to see the twins.
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