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  • So I started a Pokémon Y challenge run: No level grinding off of wild Pokémon.
    I'm gonna come at Viola with nothing but a level 8 Chespin
    Trainer is attached image.
    Team: Azian Main Team - Azian Team - Box
    PLA Updates: Here


    • 20240609_151410.jpg
      1.6 MB · Views: 176
    With a little help from my Pokémon X trainer Savanna, I now have a Smoke Ball and additionally have a Gengar as an emergency team member (he's back with Savanna for now though), at level 47. Only took two attempts to trade it over because my 3DS had an error on attempt 1.
    Added a link to the PLA run profile post so it will remain easy to reach.
    Benry Gaming
    Benry Gaming
    How to get terminal depression:
    ...huh. I reached 100 thousand posts.
    Just posting this to say that I don't want people to be proud of me for this. It's not an achievement I'll be proud of, as to me it just shows that I really have no life outside of here anymore.
    Nostalgia month isn't over yet but this image is too good and I want to use it as my pfp.
    meanwhile, honestly the TGV has grown on me, probably gonna keep it for a while because my planned fully custom profile pic for all sites is likely gonna take a while (and a boatload of procrastination like everything else)
    Erven: "Don't forget the scarf!"
    Me: *Grabs Pikachu scarf*
    Erven, mildly frustrated: "That’s not what I- *sigh* Fine."

    "*Gasp* Wall."
    -Someone else

    "They finished sooner because they were finished early."

    "I do say explode a lot, so it might take a while to find it."
    "Just like every door, if I kick it hard enough, it'll open."
    -My dad

    "I kinda forgot that I yeeted the doggo"

    "My only lunch will be a water bottle"

    "Drivers need sleep too. In both senses of the term."
    King Jameth III🌳
    King Jameth III🌳
    Why do I relate to some of these
    Most of them, actually... (this is either my 1.5 hours of sleep talking (WHICH IS ALL PART OF THE PROCESS PLEASE TRUST ME) or me being absolutely pumped)
    Completely forgot about it yesterday, but as of today, I've had a Shaymin in Pokemon for 8 years and 1 day! Obtained in 2016 through Mystery Gift, super proud to still have it to this day
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    Reactions: Orchamut
    I have that Shaymin as well, but, not sure what game it's currently in.
    • Sad
    Reactions: Esther
    Quote dump from me checking in on a stream
    "SALLY ME AND RED NEEDED THAT CHICKEN'S MEAT TO PISS OF THE VEGANS" -Someone in chat, followed by Sally going "Don't say out of context things like that!"

    "I looked over at chat and it was glitching out so bad, it was like "HELP I'M BEING POSSESSED BY A DEMON"" -Sally (Roughly quoted)
    "Ankle Killer strikes back" -Sally (I'd quote half the Ankle Killer Saga that I witnessed, but I'll keep my quotes from Miraculous Ladybug Sins' birday stream limited)

    "Don't drown, it's not healthy" -Me in the stream chat
    Clearly, Frusky is not the fastest it can get

    59 eggs, second special (got an albino earlier this morning), man... Why can't I have this kinda luck with the Avalon Hunts?
    What the :red:
    I'm not sure if these melans are helping my mood or making things worse so I might name this one with a name that would fit with a Void Spirit (Xala)
    (Pokemon X)
    Melon the Cubone, now Marowak, got from level 16 to level 51 before I found a shiny Stunky.
    Let's see if he reaches level 100 by the time I get the shinies I actually wanted. He probably will.
    "They say dreams are your subconscious telling you something, but I think yours might be trying to distract you while it robs a bank."
    — Ozymandias Llewellyn (from Ozy and Millie)
    • Haha
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    Reactions: Esther and TWillyH
    "You know, I love everyone in the abstract. Collectively, I want them to be happy, and I wish them all the best. But individually, people have a way of making me want to hit them with a sock full of change."
    — Millicent Mudd from (Ozy and Millie)
    "We don't need an unsupervised adult man karate chopping poor people in a Halloween costume."
    — Barbara Gordon (from The LEGO Batman Movie)
    First one: Very accurate
    Second: *confused*
    Third: Y e s
    Dealing with a medium-sized OC list update where I finally add Victor to the list, move Mio and Radiant from used to unused (they never had a chance to be introduced in the RP I put them in), and some more stuff
    A few more updates are being done, mostly just removing notes
    I've decided to keep Joltveon, but I'll mark him as needing a new name
    I've also decided to keep Sibi
    Still a bit unsure about Skye but she'll probably stay
    Ria is no longer a character only meant for offsite use so the note about being used on FR has been removed
    About to make the update to give some of the major unlisted Pokemon (from trainer teams) their own entries
    I'm being strict with which of them get entries so feel free to ask why I did or didn't add entries for specific members
    Update: Very small, but I added Caretaker Ivin to the list
    Kyristian might be added soon but his design and some other details have to be finalized
    And I'll go add Avy in real quick
    I've been trying to do Boss Battles with all the characters in Smash Bros Brawl, and I recently did it with Ice Climbers. I did it in less than 3 minutes on Easy; way faster than anyone else.
    Maybe I'll become an Ice Climbers main; up until now, I had NO IDEA they were this good.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Orchamut
    Metaknight is just plain OP in Brawl in every way
    he is known to be the character in that game
    He's so op that I have to make sure I don't use him when I'm fighting my siblings
    Meanwhile when I play smash as Marth I have to make sure I either claim the red alt in advance (by going "I claim Marth's red alt!") or am just fast enough to be the first to select it in the event of others also choosing Marth
    If I fail, I gotta use Lucina because I can't use another alt
    For anyone here that plays PFQ, I just tossed 15 shiny Electrike into the shelter! So if anyone feels like looking for them, go get a white flute (optionally) and have fun in there!
    The Devourer of Gods
    The Devourer of Gods
    Either they're all gone already or I suck at looking
    I'd recommend turning on QoL in your farm options if you haven't already and then using its search feature in the shelter to make it highlight all electrike
    and if one is blue then with the default settings it'll also highlight it as a shiny
    15 isn't a lot compared to how much is in the shelter so they won't be super easy to find
    Don't think this is my actual first PFP, but I'm looking for that one and this one is at least one of the first.
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    Reactions: SaltyDog Café
    Found an even older one thanks to a screenshot I took several laptops ago.
    Ah that's probably the one I was thinking of.
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    Reactions: Esther
    I'll plop Olive's drawing here real quick so I can save it on my phone without having to dig into old folders there.
    Olive (Original).jpg
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