PC Fastest Terrarian ever! (portal gun speed boosts)


I don't know if this should really go here, but it seems right up this groups alley.

Lately I've been messing around with the portal gun. Trying to launch myself as fast and as far as I can, making infinite loop portals, and general as much crazy stuff as I can think of. I did this using a property of the portal gun that lets you fall at a maximum of 179 mph

When launching myself from a portal at a 45 degree angle I saw that I landed in the same place every time. So I place my entry portal at that spot, thinking that I'd get a cool looping arc. I didn't. I hit the entry portal spot on the first time, but the second arc flew well beyond my target. While toying around with the design trying to get it to work (I never could), I saw that the the speed of the second arc was a bit higher than the first. So I turned from trying to make a long, looping arc; to trying to see if I could harness the speed increase and see how far I could take it.

After some initial tests on my main world, I decided that I needed a flat surface to do this. A loooong flat surface. So I made a a large, blank map in TEdit to use as my testing grounds. After a couple hours of trial-and-error testing, the configuration that granted me the biggest speed boost was this.

It works by flying up above the yellow portal high enough to reach 179 mph when you hit. (UFO/cute fishron mounts work great for this) Which ejects you out of the blue portal with a horizontal speed of 179 mph and hits the yellow portal again. After that the speed, some how, starts rising. My current theory is that it has something to do with a combination of the small increases in vertical speed gained from falling being added to horizontal speed in each portal loop, and the interaction with the different angled portals.

With this design I can get speeds well over 250 mph. It fails, and I get kicked out of the loop, at ~275-280 mph. It's going so fast I can't really SEE whats going on, but either the arc gets shallow enough that I fly over the portal without hitting it (a problem I was having in earlier designs), or the game can't keep up the the speed and misses triggering the portal.

The highest speed I have seen so for is 287 mph.

I got this by placing frozen slime blocks all the way to the edge of the map so I would have time to take a screen shot without loosing speed. The entrance portal was at 140' east (and the starting point of my flight after getting kicked out of the loop) with the edge of the map being about 8300' east. I traveled that (+4000 blocks) in ~20 secs. So you could, theoretically, travel the width of a large map in less than a minute. When the new version of TEdit is finished, or when I'm felling particularly masochistic and do it manually, I want to make a hoik track under my frozen slime track and see if I can beat it to the edge of the world!

---Current top speed---

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Nice, I've been thinking about commenting on these elsewhere (not that I've tried this gun at all yet), thanks for bringing the topic to T-MEC! :)

I would expect that diagonals might be a possible angle for exploits, since Terraria's not very hot at obeying conventional laws of physics (e.g. the horizontal component of cart speed on diagonal minecart track is the same as it's (total) speed was on the flat before going up. I.e. you effectively gain a free speed multiplyer.) I wonder if you can do something similar here: e.g. an entry portal on a diagonal, orthogonal to an upwards slope that upticks at the end of a frozen slime block horizontal, with the exit portal at the beginning of the flat section. Will it multiply up the speed each time around?...
I want to make a hoik track under my frozen slime track and see if I can beat it to the edge of the world!
Sounds like a fun race! Bet I can still beat you on a hoik, though. :p What's 'mph' in game, anyway, in terms of tiles per second?
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Nice, I've been thinking about comment on these elsewhere (not that I've tried this gun at all yet), thanks for bringing the topic to T-MEC! :)

I would expect that diagonals might be a possible angle for exploits, since Terraria's not very hot at obeying conventional laws of physics (e.g. the horizontal component of cart speed on diagonal minecart track is the same as it's (total) speed was on the flat before going up. I.e. you effectively gain a free speed multiplyer.) I wonder if you can do something similar here: e.g. an entry portal on a diagonal, orthogonal to an upwards slope that upticks at the end of a frozen slime block horizontal, with the exit portal at the beginning of the flat section. Will it multiply up the speed each time around?...
Sounds like a fun race! Bet I can still beat you on a hoik, though. :p What's 'mph' in game, anyway, in terms of tiles per second?

Mechanical Cart is 102 mph, and actually it is 20 pixels per tick, which is 75 tiles per second.
Unicorn Dashing is 61 mph and actually it is 12 pixels per tick, which is 45 tiles per second.
So mph is an annoying unit. It makes the value in game imperfect.
So mph is an annoying unit. It makes the value in game imperfect.
I bet they just call the same numbers KPH for the Euro versions too... But anyway, tiles/s ~= (3/4)*mph. Thanks. :)
[Edit: so 287mph ~= 215tiles/s... I might loose that race after all.]
I wonder if you can do something similar here: e.g. an entry portal on a diagonal, orthogonal to an upwards slope that upticks at the end of a frozen slime block horizontal, with the exit portal at the beginning of the flat section. Will it multiply up the speed each time around?...

Unfortunately, I have yet to see a boost in speed while my character is in contact with blocks (frozen slime blocks included). Seems to need the character to be in falling position to work (hands in the air, and so on). So the challenge is trying to find a sweet spot where the arcing loop works with the starting speed and is able to sustain itself as the speed rises.

On a side note, I've found out that a frozen slime block ramp doesn't maintain vertical velocity at the end and just dumps you over the side as if it had been flat.

so 287mph ~= 215tiles/s...

That's actually very close to the conversion in real mph lol. 287 mph = 410.9 f/s. 1 tile is 2 feet wide so 210.45 tiles/s

So, with that design, do you go left or right?

the yellow portal is the entry portal, so it goes to the right once you get kicked out of the loop
That's actually very close to the conversion in real mph lol. 287 mph = 410.9 f/s. 1 tile is 2 feet wide so 210.45 tiles/s

The game actually uses the real-life conversion factor, however it rounds the result. Internally, speeds are measured in units/tick, where a unit is 1/16th of a tile, and a tick is 1/60th of a real-life second. To convert the player's speed from u/t to mph, it uses the conversion factor 1 u/t = 216000/42240 mph.
This is just (60*60*60) / (8*5280). The 8 is there because 16u = 1 tile = 2ft.

Using this, the true conversion factor between mph and tiles/s is 11/15 = .7333... However, as I said, the game will only ever display an integer speed value due to rounding, so there's always a possibility of error of up to .5mph = .3666... tiles/s, which is pretty negligible, but could be important if people want to get in a "fastest transport" race and are trying to eke out a slightly faster design.
Oh bummer, and there I was, thinking that the game has maxspeed value that can't be gone over.
As much as I understand, you can go above the maxspeed value of any kind of transport medium (be it minecart, walking, mount or freefalling with portal gun), since the maximum speed is set for taxicab movement; separately for horizontal and vertical movement.

Therefore, when you move on diagonal with max horizontal and vertical speed, your speed should be around √2*179, which is around 253. However the max speed you say you managed to achieve was 287. Now that's a bit of a mystery to me.

I've tried this contraption on my own. I've been playing with various additions for an hour, and max speed I've managed to accelerate myself was around 275 - 278 mph. No idea how you've breached that speed barrier. I've tried moving portals a bit after reaching speed of roughly 250 mph, so I would still be able to bounce. But it seems the problem is not being unable to bounce, but the fact that game doesn't detect collision with portal at such bizzare speed. On my computer that would be around 275 mph, your seems to be better with handling collisions. :p

Update 1: screenshots
the Aperture Science Launching Pad (huge snapshot)


typical speed achieved

Update 2: my contraption managed to launch me at 287 speed after numerous tries.
[DOUBLEPOST=1437793288][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay, so I can't go above 289 mph as for now. It appears the issue is that the game won't detect collision at high speeds, but I've found a way to bypass that problem and reach higher speed. Still, it will take some time to test it. It's almost 5 AM here. Man, I've had fun playing with this.

btw, I don't know if anyone has compared this to hoik. Hoiks allow reaching horizontal 'speed' of 240 ft/s (however the stopwatch doesn't count hoiks as movement). 289 mph converts to roughly 423 ft/s, so while not as available as hoiks, this (let me name it) Aperture Science Portal Hyper-Accelerated Launcher reaches speed far greater!

Update 3
Guys, I think I've set a record for now.`:)


Update 4
And then this happened.
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This is the current design I used to hit 300 mph. Doesn't happen every time, but I usually get into the upper 290's.

and one with the laser level

Another trick I learn is if you use your wings to slow your fall after you hit the first portal (can't have any flight time left for this to work), you can make a loop work that would otherwise fall short. Though the speed increases are dramatically slowed by doing this. The same applies to trying the loop in space. Another point for the falling-speed-changing-to-horizontal-speed-somehow theory. Also explains why I could never get the speed to go up when sliding on frozen slime blocks, you have no vertical velocity when on solid blocks. I did, however, see a speed of 334 mph due to falling after getting kicked out of the loop in space, but I am focusing on horizontal speed atm.

After another round of testing and not being able to break 300 mph. I decided to do some testing. I remembered ZeroGravitas say in one of his videos that a player can only trigger one pressure plate per game tick, so I set up a line of 500 player-only plates and torches to see what I could get.

The results showed that, at 299 mph, I skipped two or thee torches for every lit torch. In total, I activated 137 ( I think I counted that right >_>) out of the 500. If my math is right, that makes it a speed of 3.65 tiles/tick.

This made me think about the portals themselves, their dimensions, and how the game handles triggering them. A portal is about 3 tiles tall and if vertical and 3 tiles wide if horizontal. The diagonal is also 3 tiles but instead of being 1.5 tiles high and wide, it's 3 tiles wide and 3 tiles tall (or 2.5/2.5 maybe?). This doesn't change the activation area under normal conditions, but for high speeds it means you have a three blocks in which you have a chance to trigger the portal instead of just the one if it were vertical. I think this might be the reason (or part of it anyway) that a vertical entry doesn't work in the speed loops.

That also explains why I can't seem to get higher than 300 mph. At a speed of 3.65 tiles/tick, you could be just on the edge of a portal in one tick and be on the other side of the portal i the other tick. Since its a little bit of luck in whether your character skips the portal or not, I guess you could get a bunch of people together and stagger some portal loops so that being ejected from one makes you hit another. I think that could, in theory, get you higher than 300 mph.
This made me think about the portals themselves, their dimensions, and how the game handles triggering them. A portal is about 3 tiles tall and if vertical and 3 tiles wide if horizontal. The diagonal is also 3 tiles but instead of being 1.5 tiles high and wide, it's 3 tiles wide and 3 tiles tall (or 2.5/2.5 maybe?). This doesn't change the activation area under normal conditions, but for high speeds it means you have a three blocks in which you have a chance to trigger the portal instead of just the one if it were vertical. I think this might be the reason (or part of it anyway) that a vertical entry doesn't work in the speed loops.

That also explains why I can't seem to get higher than 300 mph. At a speed of 3.65 tiles/tick, you could be just on the edge of a portal in one tick and be on the other side of the portal i the other tick. Since its a little bit of luck in whether your character skips the portal or not, I guess you could get a bunch of people together and stagger some portal loops so that being ejected from one makes you hit another. I think that could, in theory, get you higher than 300 mph.

Well, I've been doing maths meanwhile. Lets say the speed after launch is 300 mph. Switching miles to feet and hours to ticks we have
( 300 * 5280 ) / ( 60 * 60 * 60) = 7.(3) ft/tick
That makes 11/3, or 3.(6) tiles/tick, so we've come to same conclusions ':p

My setup is as shown in previous message: http://i.imgur.com/YN0PbMo.png
Update 3
Guys, I think I've set a record for now.`:)


You did that just I was writing my post, congrats lol ^_^
I'd really like to see what you did to do that.

Update 4
And then this happened.

That sucks! >_< Anything above 300 mph breaks the game? Or maybe your comp couldn't keep up at those speeds? Gonna have to see if I can do it too...

Edit: 300+ doesn't seem break the game that I've seen, I'll test some more, though. I WOULD show a screen shot, but it surprised me so much I hit my grapple before I could take it. T_T
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Well, let me explain my method then:

I place portals as shown on the picture. distance between the left wall and the slope on the right is 41 tiles.

Then I place myself high above the yellow portal, and fall down (while holding the portal gun, to let me achieve max falling speed of 179 mph). I loop for a few seconds, until I pass 200 mph mark, then I try to fire the yellow portal as shown.

It's one tile above its previous position. The view is rapidly moving and eyes may hurt, but one can hold the cursor in predetermined on-screen position in the way that when he shoots portal it may either appear in same place or one tile above. That's how I slowly move both portals a bit higher. I first moved the yellow portal by one tile, then blue portal by one tile, then the yellow portal twice by one tile.

By the time I reach speed of ~270 mph, they are positioned like this

I don't really know why, but only by moving portals I can keep increasing speed above 278 mph. It could have something to do with the fact that in final position both portals are on the same height, so I don't skip the yellow one at high speed, that was my general idea. However even if I play the trick with moving the portals right, maximum speed I achieved was 302 mph (it almost instantly falls down a bit when I touch frozen slime block track)
That sucks! >_< Anything above 300 mph breaks the game? Or maybe your comp couldn't keep up at those speeds? Gonna have to see if I can do it too...
It doesn't as I've reached 302 mph. However the game crashed on me while I was starting to loop and thought about switching colour mode to retro, which is the least memory consuming... should never do that while reaching high speed ':D
It could have something to do with the fact that in final position both portals are on the same height, so I don't skip the yellow one at high speed, that was my general idea.

Yeah, over shooting the entry portal is a problem I had to deal with too. Having the portals at the same height helps solve that, but then you have to deal with not being able to start the loop in the beginning because the arc is to much. I like the way you solved that. Takes a bit of luck and skill, but it works. I solved it by using my wings gliding ability to bridge the gap in the arc in the beginning. It slows the speed increase, but only at the beginning. I also noticed if the loop starts to get a circular wobble to it, you get ejected sooner. Gliding with your wings for a few loops eliminates the wobble
switching colour mode to retro, which is the least memory consuming

Didn't know that, switching now. Anything to boost performance for this, helps

FINALLY got a screen of it! lol


Last one for tonight
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Bahamut2001 said:
Didn't know that, switching now. Anything to boost performance for this, helps
yeah, my computer is basically an iron stove fueled with coal.

FINALLY got a screen of it! lol
congrats, man! I am now trying to somehow improve my installation.

Okay, that's as far as I can go after some crazy improvements.

That seems to be the highest possible speed one could collide with the portal. I'll post my findings after I get some sleep.
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Very exciting stuff @Bahamut2001 and @Sulejman (like the early days of land-speed record attempts, or such like)! Some insane numbers coming out here - 327mph (245tiles/s) is slightly faster than I could pull off, even on a Unicorn/Turtle mount horizontal hoik. Do you think you might eventually be able to design a reliable system that gets up near ~300mph? (I'm now also wonder if these, as yet untested, top speed hoiks might be game breaking, if it's rendering/memory issues you guys are having here...)
I set up a line of 500 player-only plates and torches to see what I could get.

The results showed that, at 299 mph, I skipped two or thee torches for every lit torch. In total, I activated 137 ( I think I counted that right >_>) out of the 500. If my math is right, that makes it a speed of 3.65 tiles/tick.
Lovely demonstration there. An even more extreme example of the detection speed barrier breaking than the fall velocity of boulders (in my 'rainstick engines' vid). Your empirical verification there saves me having to sound caution about trusting the way game measures player speed (I suspect it's a little crude and seems to lag a little, so might perhaps spike incorrectly...?).

I had a little play with portals for the first time earlier too. Just holding the damn thing changes the laws of (game) physics massively! Terminal velocity from 51mph, raised to 179mph, lol. Ignoring it's portal abilities, it's worth just using it to drop to hell that much quicker! Things certainly feel slow after putting it down.

I tried a teleporter drop loop, and quite quickly found I was travelling too fast to reliably activate the plate on the bottom pad, so whacked on one of them new detonator plungers instead, which seems to have a my reliable (2 tiles?) detection box, but for downwards travel only. (I wonder if you guys can use teleporter(s) on your slip tracks to return and re-enter your portal setups?)

And this setup is roughly what I was trying to describe higher up (travelling right to left here):
Terraria 2015-07-25 02-38-42-58.jpg

It certainly didn't glitch up a large speed gain, however. But it did slowly spool up speed at a rate of @ 1mph per loop, from an initial ~25mph, up to ~60mph (on my best setup, before misalignment). So there is a small rounding error there, perhaps. Not particularly promising, obviously you guys have something better figured out! :D:cool:
However the game crashed on me while I was starting to loop and thought about switching colour mode to retro, which is the least memory consuming... should never do that while reaching high speed ':D

And here I was looking at that code trying to figure out if there was a bug in it that would prevent players from moving above a certain speed -- which would stop this contest short -- and the only thing I could figure out was "Well, it might crash if someone changes lighting modes at high speed, but why would he do that?".

Your empirical verification there saves me having to sound caution about trusting the way game measures player speed (I suspect it's a little crude and seems to lag a little, so might perhaps spike incorrectly...?).

I did some digging to find out how the speed is measured (and why it seems to lag). For some reason, the game doesn't just convert the current velocity to mph and display that. What it does is the following:

On each tick, we have an array of size 60, containing the player's past speed. The game shuffles the speeds forwards, discarding the oldest, and puts the current speed at the start of the array. The displayed speed is the average over some portion of the array, which depends on the player's current speed: higher speed, more array used. More specifically, floor(1+6*v) entries are used up to a maximum of 60, where v is the player's speed in u/t. The remainder of the array is populated with that average speed. This is why the speed appears to lag behind: If the player's speed jumps rapidly, it uses more of this array, which contains these old, slow, average speeds.

So, if you want to measure how fast you're going, you should travel for about 60t = 1s at that constant velocity in order for the in-game speedometer to measure it correctly, especially since the estimates here are above of 10u/t = 51mph, meaning that the entire array is being used. Also, keep in mind that the game's speedometer measures speed as the magnitude of the player's velocity vector, which is how it should be measured in real life, but seems to enforce speed caps only along each axis, as others have mentioned.
Okay, since Zerogravitas spilled it already , I should tell you that I achieved speed of 327 mph with using teleporters to re-loop myself.

After being launched I activate a blue button to teleport myself back before the right portal, and enter the accelerating loop again. The whole thing is like a double loop, where if you glitch yourself out of the first (portal) loop, you enter the teleportal loop that gets you back to the first one, without losing velocity. Since we are not bound by limits of teleportals, they should allow me to make this thing accelerate you infinitely... in theory.

Practically I lose some velocity most of the time I teleport myself. There is probably some collision on the way. I'm still tweaking with the design, but speed of 325 mph is already easily achieved.

If I can say my opinion, while we can set records this way, I doubt this could be considered practical to most of us. Unless you fancy being portal looped for some time.

Edit: This is the release version. I call it Aperture Science Portal Hyper-Accelerated Launcher with Teleports, which abbreviates nicely as ASPHAL-T. It is way more effective than your usual asphalt.

The sequence of action to hyper-accelerate yourself:
  1. Place orange portal on orange portal pad to the left.
  2. Place cyan portal on the slope to the right, as close to the floor as possible.
  3. Use the teleporter pad under the orange portal to place yourself on the Aperture Science Safe man drop :)red: man drop).
  4. While holding the portal gun to distort reality itself, jump down and don't touch your keyboard from now on.
  5. After reaching speed of 200 mph, place the cyan portal one tile higher than the previous position. Repeat this, at roughly 240 and 260 mph marks.
  6. Don't worry about misplacing your portals, whenever you fail to enter the cyan portal (for any reason), the teleportals at the end of the track will put you back on track.
  7. Around 260 mph achieved with asphal-t player may fail to enter the cyan portal, since at speed above 3 tiles per tick the game may be unable to notice that you've entered a 3-tile wide portal area. With teleportals you are returned to the loop without losing velocity.
  8. Higher speed may still be achieved through numerous trials. Attempt walking to the left, to decrease your velocity a bit, just so that you again start entering the cyan portal. This sometimes allows reaching speed above the critical value.


  • Maximum speed while freefalling with portal gun is 179 mph. Anything above that is hyper speed.
  • Accelerating to hyperspeed works only when the player is not touching the ground while looping between portals. In asphal-t, the minimum velocity one must achieve to start accelerating to hyperspeed is 179 mph. Interestingly, this velocity is achieved by falling exactly 100 tiles (while holding portal gun).
  • Conversion rate from mph to tiles per tick (tpt) is 11/900, because:
tpt = mph * 5280 / (60 * 60 * 60 * 2) = mph * 11/900
  • 315mph seems to be the critical value, at which game usually repeatedly fails to detect player entering the cyan portal. This phenomenon is called portal skip, and seems to be unavoidable. Highest speed achieved without portal skipping is 327mph, which is 3.99(6) tpt, practically 4tpt.
    • It may be possible to solve the problem with portal skip in multiplayer. If the second player could place a second set of portals just above the first one, the total width of portal entrance is 6 tiles. This would require slight modifications to asphal-t design and has not been yest tested.
    • It may also be possible to solve portal skipping problem with different design. Since the problem is that player moves several tiles per tick, and after reaching critical speed is unable to enter the cyan portal, it could mean the 'gaps' between player's positions are always placed at the same locations. This could explain why at 4tpt speed it's impossible to enter the cyan portal in this design. If the distance between portals was different, the player would still be able to enter the portal at 4tps.
  • I suppose it is technically possible to achieve velocity of 6tpt (490mph) in singleplayer, but I need a break from these portals. My head is spinning from hundreds of portal jumps. This is all mechanic's fault. She even moved to the testing facility just to look at me looping myself

Look her in the eyes. These are the eyes of a madman.


[DOUBLEPOST=1437847944,1437840003][/DOUBLEPOST]btw, honey, campfire and room with mechanic are purely aesthetical additions.
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Aperture Science Portal Hyper-Accelerated Launching Test, which abbreviates nicely as ASPHAL-T.
I love it!

I should tell you that I achieved speed of 327 mph with using teleporters to re-loop myself
I was thinking about teleporters, but my brain quit working on me before I could try. lol Congrats

If I can say my opinion, while we can set records this way, I doubt this could be considered practical to most of us.
I was thinking the same. Even if your use this to travel places, any loop longer than like 5 secs means your gonna lose time getting to your destination. I just wanted to push it as far as I could.

So, if you want to measure how fast you're going, you should travel for about 60t = 1s at that constant velocity in order for the in-game speedometer to measure it correctly
That explains why I could could visibly see my character speeding up faster than the game displayed.

And this setup is roughly what I was trying to describe higher up (travelling right to left here):
I tried something similar. I couldn't figure out how to max out fall speed with the portal facing down, but I guess you don't NEED max fall speed so long as the loop continues to speed up.
I suppose it is technically possible to achieve velocity of 6tps (490mph)

Sooo close!

Edit: I'd post how I did that, but can't seem to replicate it.
[DOUBLEPOST=1437916774][/DOUBLEPOST]Update: The ASPHAl-T goes super-sonic!

Chuck Yeager eat your heart out! Sound barrier? What freaking sound barrier!



This is the setup I used. Because the top was blocked off, something I found necessary at 350+, you start the loop from outside to reach 179. After its started, you have to re position the entry portal so can start the acceleration loop. Can be a bit tricky to get because of the teleporter loop, but not too hard.
I try to get the first portal close to this position, but doesn't have to be exact.

After the acceleration is started you have to continue to re position the entry portal as the speed rises to keep in the loop, until the entry portal is even with the exit portal.
Like so:

I generally do it around 200, 250, and 270. With that you should have no problems until about 320. Now the comes the hardest part of this. At 320-330, you no longer trigger the portals by sliding over them, but there is a work around. For some reason, jumping and pulsing your wings will trigger the portal if you hit it right. So from 330 on you have to do that to gain any speed increase at all. Although, after 350-360 all you have is how space bar and the speed goes up. Not sure why this is, but from what little I could make out, you seem not go from portal to portal like before. You go from exit portal to teleporter to entry portal and increase speed that way. So at that point the position of the entry relative to the exit no long matters. This became important when I stalled out at 665. I thought I had gone as far as I could go, till I re positioned the entry portal a little higher(edit: it needs to be lower not higher) and was able to accelerate again. This happened again at 873, but I couldn't find a position that would do anything, not that you can really AIM at those speeds. lol

I took the teleporter set-up from Sulejman probably a little farther than I needed to, but at 480+ sometimes I'd bypass 4 or 5 teleporters at a time. It might be a bug. Wouldn't surprised it it was, at those speeds it looked like the rendering engine was having a seizure. lol
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