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  • master hardcore summon only [no whip] challenge win FIRST in the World , my second world first challenge , first is flails only MHC , also my only second moonlord win . in the furure i might do a [spear only MHC] run , but it will be only when i have good PC . VOD: twitch.tv/1stronge1st


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    hello everyone,im first in world who completed terraria challenge :mastermode, hardcore, flails only, without any glitches. all walkthrough been streamed on mine twitch channel
    and youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkmgKC7w9EAYAy0Qumg57Ag,but VOD's only on youtube. this take me around 50 hours i think. started in end of august ,completed 31 of october .thats it. =)🤠
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